This is realtime action clashing with traditional rpg. I'm fine with telling my charatcer to attack something and sitting back to watch. I'm also fine with taking direct control - the problem we're getting in current action rpgs is trying to mix both and not making compromises. Do you want a...
We must have watched different movies - The Book of Eli is the most vapid and self-indulgent movie i've seen in a while. I like Denzel, love a post apocalyptic setting, but honestly found it hard to see it through to the credits. If we're measuring the movie by how many slow motion scenes of...
That screenshot looks great. I love discovering and exploring new places in games like this - you turn a corner and there's an ancient tomb waiting to be plundered. My PC will be getting upgraded to hell to play this :)
Sure. That's pretty much what I was moaning about - perhaps I should have been less sweeping in putting it and less of a grinch. How about this: While some people have tasteful and well considered tattoos, many permanently mark themselves with any old crap because it's the current fashion...
I wasn't aiming to touch a nerve. I didn't know you had a tattoo. If there's a symbol or design that's particularly meaningful to someone and they think it'll look good, then who gives a **** what other people think.
That's just it. At the gym I go to nearly everyone has a tattoo. You can...
So many people have tatoos these days that it's not a statement of individuality anymore, it's conforming to some bullshit idea of what's cool or rebellious. Whenever I see a someone walking around covered in tats it reminds me parents who've let their kids draw on the walls in their house. Love...
Very sensible. Very boring. Waiting doesn't sound much like fun to me. I'll be there on launch day, 3DS in hand and feeling like a little kid who's managed to sneak into the Batcave. Console launches are the best thing about gaming. Give in to it, you know you wanna.
Yeah - poisoned blades or blow darts would be fun. Paralyse them or put them to sleep. I watched a program on Ninjas the other day - they used to do all types on nasty stuff, like smear shit on their blades. They also used to hollow out eggs, paint them black, and fill them with a liquid and...
Locational damage would be nice - being able to hamstring someone, or take out their sword arm. The evil sod in me would take great satisfaction sneaking up behind a behemoth of a barbarian and slicing his achilles tendon - cue watching him crawl about as I dance around just out of arms reach :)
Is that why people like to level - so they can beat things easily? I don't think so. I think people like to level because it lets them tailor their character and play in the way they choose. Plenty of games have shown that's it's possible to beat seemingly indestructable enemies without...