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  1. Mackan

    how much ppl here send gabe emails?

    yeah i sent him 3 too.. but he hasnt answered any of them :(
  2. Mackan

    where can i find a cheap fx5800?

    heh i thought he made a joke when i read the topic :) but apparently not.. what a waste of money :(
  3. Mackan

    So does steam work for anyone?

    i had alot of problems with it, but earlier today everything started working great! i have played lots of cs, and im downloading dod right now its still a bit slow at times tho, but thats not such a big problem..
  4. Mackan

    raed tihs!

    isnt everything about boobies?
  5. Mackan

    Not buying Half-Life 2

    hope hes joking..
  6. Mackan

    HalfLife2 Must Go Gold This Monday Or Tuesday To Be On Time

    i would bet money that the manual has been done and ready its just the gold-disc thats left to be done
  7. Mackan

    New Ant Lion vs Old Ant Lion

    i still think its that shiny because it has rained
  8. Mackan

    "Rankings" on here

    strider should be the highest one of those :)
  9. Mackan

    New Ant Lion vs Old Ant Lion

    yeah the shining has nothing to do with bumpmaps
  10. Mackan

    Down with steam! Show your support!

    i think steam rock just look at that movie "Wild wild west" that guy can do all kinds of stuff with steam! go steam go steam!
  11. Mackan

    Athlon xp

    use the hardware forum please.. and yes, why wouldnt that cpu work fine in win 98?
  12. Mackan

    Steam Crash Gallery

    this is the one and only error i get.. and yes my internet connection is fine
  13. Mackan

    ooo - anyone good at clearing muffled sound up ?

    yes offcourse the wavfiles are muffled.. but its a bit easier listening to them in a wav-file then ingame dont you think?
  14. Mackan

    ooo - anyone good at clearing muffled sound up ?

    yeah this has been talked about quite alot you can unpack the .pak files and find those .wav files
  15. Mackan

    Detonators 51.75: Dont get your hopes up

    ah ok.. that explains it :) reading 'em now
  16. Mackan

    Detonators 51.75: Dont get your hopes up

    none of those links works for me :o <edit: now both work.. weird>
  17. Mackan

    Voice-actors in hl and hl2

    heh thats dead on :)
  18. Mackan

    Starting to worry..

    yeah D33, you never learn! use the right forum for christ sake! ;)
  19. Mackan

    Starting to worry..

    sounds more like you have a overheated gpu or something.. i had those problems in some games, but then i fixed the cooling on my gpu and then everything worked fine