yeah i found those too when i searched around a bit
someone named Michael Shapiro is listed there.. i wonder who he played
couldnt find anything about hl2 tho..
Do any of you know who does the voices in hl/hl2?
Would be cool to see pictures of them
I read something about a book or similar about the creation of hl2, maybe theyll be featured in that?
i want the box.. and the manual
it feels "better".. cant explain why
some practical things are better with the box tho.. if you got the cds you can uninstall and reinstall how ever you want.. and say you get a virus or something that forces you to do a format.. you may think its fun to...
exactly why i think the roof was wet.. even if its only a techdemo, they probably tried to make it as realistic as possible..
theres a reason why the sky is grey.. if they only wanted to show of shiny surfaces they could just have made a room with some lights and some metal textures
yeah thats what i got the impression of too.. all the rooftops look real wet.. and the sky looks like a storm passed by and the sun just started shining thru the clouds
and i havent heard anyone saying anything about the city?
i think it looks fantastic, dont you?
that article was a very interesting read.. hope they do another one about hl2
the guy who wrote it has written alot of other similar articles.. about the sims and such.. check it out if you havent
<edited for spelling>