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  1. S

    Songs that really make you think

    Queensryche - Operation Mindcrime, whole album. Its a concept album, all the songs are linked.
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    Favorite Metal Band

    Niravna's highly overated, and isn't metal. There good, but there great, and Kurt Cobain is not a god like some people make him out to be. He was an average guitarists at best.
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    D0D vs C0D

    DoD is more realistic and better then Call of Duty multiplayer was. here was no iron sights, but damage wise it defintly is.
  4. S

    Favorite Metal Band

    any of u heard Queensryche - Operation Mindcrime album? ****ing amazing. In my top 5 albums ever.
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    Melodic Metal

    what do you mean by that? and which albums?
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    Melodic Metal

    no. I say that cause you live in Toronto, and on August 3rd Iron Maiden scheduled a date in Toronto at Molson Amphitheater (an Off-fest date). check latest news:
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    Melodic Metal

    Im assuming your going to see them (Maiden) on August 3rd? As I am...
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    System of a Down

    i be not likeing their music. way to random and crazy...
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    6 Spider Man movies Total. + AvP 2!!!!!

    wow the first 2 spiderman movies werent good, now there making 4 more... great.. more crap to hit the cinema..
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    Melodic Metal

    and Helloween Gamma Ray Hammerfall
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    New battlefiled 2 Videos and screens

    yes, yes i do. HL2 has spoiled us and now makes all other games look bad.
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    Favorite Metal Band

    surprised no one has said Judas Priest yet, or i missed it. Also nu-metal sucks...
  13. S

    Best Instrumentals

    good choice on Dream Theater. also from Dream Theater: Overture 1928 Hells Kitchen Erotomania and: Savatage - Temptation Revelation (short but good) Iced Earth - 1776 Iron Maiden - Genghis Khan Iron Maiden - Transylvania Metallica - The Call of Ktulu
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    The Complete Military History of France

    oh man that was a horrible movie, and extremely histrocially innaccurate.
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    The Complete Military History of France

    America did not win the war of 1812. Your objective was to capture Canada. You failed at that objective. Just because you won the last battle agaisnt the British does not mean you won the war. In reality no one won this war. An agreement was made to end the war and that was it.
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    New battlefiled 2 Videos and screens

    The ragdolls dont look that good. They still need some work. It looks like there moving in slow motion all the time...
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    Bush's Most Radical Plan Yet

    your all stupid.
  18. S

    The Black Halo's

    Kamelot has a new album called Black Halo... There Power Metal band...
  19. S

    Favorite Metal Band

    Iron Maiden Good Power Metal Bands: Helloween Gamma Ray Hammerfall Blind Guardian (some stuff)
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    Blank DVD stuck in DVD Writer!!!!!!!!!!

    yea tried that and disconecting power to. Obviously this is the first thing i would try.... Anyway i got it out and it works fine. Didn't realize u had to push in the emergency eject button a really far away before it worked.