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    Castro dying, gives up power

    I'll smoke to that! Good ol' Castro.
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    Castro dying, gives up power

    NOOOOOO!! He'll pull through.
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    Israeli airstrike kills 34 children

    No, but they sure as hell didn't do anything to try and avoid it.
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    Map of Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon

    yea Lebanon was one fo the best places in the middle east. So much for that. Both sides are completely wrong, but right now Israel seems to be the greater of the two evils.
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    Israeli airstrike kills 34 children

    who has wars now anyway? I mean this isnt the Medeival ages.
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    Maddox debunks 9/11 conspiracy theory

    Cant beat Maddox.
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    Famous Last Words

    "get These Mutha ****in Snakes, Off This Mutha ****in Plane!!"
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    Girl Jeans

    topic settled. A guy wearing girls jeans, isnt attractice to the opposite sex
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    *Gun control proponents* 8 stabbed at grocery store, co-worker arrested

    howd he injure 8 people? If all 8 just rushed him it wouldnt have been a problem.
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    Famous Last Words

    ""Let off some STEAM, Bennett!"" -Arnold
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    Girl Jeans

    well w/e, i guess ur going for the rock star look. as long as u dont wear girls jeans i dont care. precisely.
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    Girl Jeans

    taking care of yourself is fine. Putting so much emphasis on what you wear to the point of starting to wear clothes designed for the opposite sex is rediculous.
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    Girl Jeans

    no, its strange. go out on the street and start asking people. Theres plenty of different forms of guy jeans, why youd need to divulge into the girl market is confusing.
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    I'm going to the pound this weekend.

    get a westie, there the best
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    get Rogers.
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    Girl Jeans

    Only emo kids wear girls pants... I really cant understand why a guy would be interested in wearing girls clothing. Its quite perplexing... Not to mention, he'd be socially outcast.
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    Another reason why Iron Maiden owns...
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    My First Sigs ever made

    Hey, Im finally learning to make sigs, and am wondering what you guys think about these. These are my first two sigs ive ever really made. What do you guys think? I prefer the 2nd one.
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    A Shit Blizzards a coming...

    The Shit Winds are in the air... "Lebanon's army, which so far has sat on the sidelines of the violence raging in the country, will join the fight against Israel if Israeli forces invade the country, Defense Minister Elias Murr said on Al-Jazeera television. "The Lebanese army -- and I stress...