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  1. S

    Ditch The Cheats

    So making fun of fat kids in the playground is ok is it? It's long as the bully grows up to get a well paid job and be a decent member of society. I notice there's no thought for the "fat kid". How does he feel....and to move off the do all the genuine cs players feel...
  2. S

    This MUST be the last pre-load

    I preloaded all the previous files last week all in one go....and mine has said: "When the game is officially released, you'll be able to play it immediately." since then. Therefore, this message is not new (for me anyway) with this preload.
  3. S

    Are there any shots of the Retail CE??'s a New Zealand site......a country which happens to have a different dollar currency. I thought the CE version came in a metal case...(?).
  4. S

    Ahh the memories

    Well....months (maybe even a year) before HL2 was announced, I was reading "The Spy" article in PC Gamer (UK) and a HL2 rumour was mentioned. The Spy didn't really take it seriously, but the rumour was that HL2 would be set in Europe, and you would once again play as Gordon but this time with a...
  5. S

    Wanna see the HL2 weapon icons?

    Valve obviously predicted that we would find these images, so I'm guessing there may be a couple of weapons that are not shown. I'm sure I read about satchel charges.....and tripmines must be back...they must!
  6. S

    Wanna see the HL2 weapon icons?

    Yes...and I think one review (possibly PC Zone) mentioned satchel charges.......or I just made that up.
  7. S

    Wanna see the HL2 weapon icons?

    Do you have your browser window really small or something??! Can anyone else confirm what this weapon is??
  8. S

    Wanna see the HL2 weapon icons?

    There are 5 rows. In the 2nd row from the top - on the right (3rd one along).
  9. S

    Wanna see the HL2 weapon icons?

    What's the one on the right of the 2nd row down? Is that the OICW (doesn't seem to have a scope though)? I thought that had been removed. Or it's a really obvious weapon and I'm being dense...
  10. S

    Answer to "Tax" questions

    I bought the Silver package, which was $59 without TAX, but I still had to pay an extra $11 TAX even though I live in the UK.
  11. S

    A New Type of Headcrab

    I'd hate to see the zombie formed from that.....
  12. S

    CS:S using HL2 engine.. or not?

    The physics have been cut down as CS:S is online, but it is still the same engine.
  13. S

    HL2, last preload?

    Heh...I was wondering the same. I started preloading a few hours ago and it's now at 85.5%. I'm pretty sure this is all of the preloads combined though....that would make the most sense!
  14. S

    Which one to buy? and my brother want to play it at the same time as well. Not may have to buy the 2 cheapest copies. I don't think you can install one game on 2 accounts. I'm getting the silver steam package, and my brother is getting standard retail.
  15. S

    What map will you play first?

    Actually, i think you'll find that Assault was shown is some of the screenshots released a few months ago. I think they're on CS Nation. I really hope there is Assault! EDIT: Nope...I appear to be mistaken (there was one screenshot that I thought was Assault but is actually Havana). Oh...
  16. S

    HL2 Release/upload? HELP!!

    You can either preload it through steam, so that the files are on your pc when the game is released, or you can go out to the shops and buy a copy the old-fashioned way. Apparently, you will still need to register though steam either way.
  17. S

    Summary: PCZone review (some new info)

    I just received PC Zone in the post....the review is very very good. Just one point in your summary. Your second "high" spoiler is not what you think it is (i.e. a new creature). It is actually an antlion guard on it's back legs. Thanks for the report though! I was thinking of doing...
  18. S

    PC Zone 97%

    I doubt many people have it yet. It's released on I guess most subscription copies will arrive in the post tomorrow.
  19. S

    counterstrike 2

    Then why post like that? Also, please try and use punctuation.
  20. S

    The manipilator gun seem very sure about this though. Has anything been confirmed or is it all still just speculation?