vis culling has nothing to do with the bsp algorithm
the bsp alogeithm merely states which order polygons are to be drawn in
visibilty culling wether from precalulated data (a la quake 1) or on the fly is seperated from this process and can be implemented in a umber of different ways, some...
No, for the squilynth time Maya, 3ds max etc, are not a good alternative to creating brush based (world) geometry in hammer. Read this post:
Do you have any insight into the problem? As far as I can see, the BSP approach is a great way of determining drawing order at runtime that overcomes many of the problems associated with other approaches, such as the painter's algorithm.
If you have any useful information about why BSP...
Hundreds of topics? That's just becasue we're alll excited about Half-life2. You should check out the modelling & editing forums, where there are are 5 times as many posts as there are here.
Hell, you should check out the general discussion forum, there are about 60 times as many posts as...
You may find better reponses at the counter-map forums:
This forum is for dicussing (future) mapping for Half-Life 2. It is not a newbie CS map forum.
You may find better reponses at the counter-map forums:
This forum is for dicussing (future) mapping for Half-Life 2. It is not a newbie CS map forum.
hmm nice to see so many capital letter in the same place.
i guess a lot of people will be modelling their homes, it's a good place to start and to learn the technology as the reference is [I]very[\I] close to hand...
Yep, you'd be hard pressed to find tutorials for an editor that no-one outside Valve has had access to. People who are talking like they've already used it probably read the technical FAQ at the Valve collective, old url =
There's lots of useful info and I'm able to make...
Yeah, modelling is probably not that hard, for fairly simple things. It's just another piece of software to install/learn. In hl1 you could make a simple breakable object (such as a tv) with 1 brush. It seems in HL2 it would be a model.
I am well aware of the fact that HL1 .bsp files are polygon based, but it's not as simple as just changing the compile tools. BSP stands for binary space partition. That is each polygon is stored in a large binary tree where the left subtree contains all the polygons on one side of a diving...
the physics engine works with rigid bodies, anything that deforms like the matress (in a ragdoll manor) would have to be a model and have it's joints defined.