there was a thread on this exact subject before the content loss, where I explained in detail. Here is the short version. Half-life1 & 2 maps are made of convex objects called brushes. Each brush is defined by the solid region bound by four or more infinite planes. 3DS maps consist of polygons...
I've had serveral problems with too many entites in a level, there are also constraints with the maximum entites viewable a t atime, sometimes the game renders entites that are not visible, but that are in the view fustrum. Hopefully HL2 will have more flexible limits.
It depends o nt e engine. The Quake engine that was modified for half-life can't take really high poly counts even on brand new hardware. I guess an engine these days could handle a lot more on a 9800, but valve may have sacrificed map brush detail in favour of hight polycount models so we can't...
The attitude may be justfied depending on the latest map. The point I was originally trying to make isa that the new map must be something very special to deserve that sort of attitude. But the map hasn't been released yet so we really can't say. If it is really the best map ever then fair...
I go for maps that look great and play great. Not maps that soely play great. If you are the greatest mapper ever, as you claim to be, then you should be able to produce maps that look amazing, and play amazing. Which I why I'm anxious to see screenshots of your 'friggin masterpiece'.
Yeah I think in thsi case hieght maps and displacement maps are the same thing. Just get a regualr brush, and apply a hieght map, as well as a texture. The height maps will just be bitmaps.
Who will be first?
Me. I hope.
I already did this map for HL as a warm up. I'll post more screenshots when I've finished my next version (it has jumps & vertical loops, etc). Once it's done in HL1, I'll just impost into the new hammer, texture it quickly, add a sky then compile. 1 hour...
hmmm... the screenshots looked good, but I've seen much better HL maps screenshots. Your new map must be a lot better to deserve the praise you gave it in your original post.
I think valve idicated that most of the detail in a map will be models. So chairs, tables, doors etc. will be models with brushes only accounting for walls and floors and some other terrain. Hell, in the foggy dock screenshot those huge cranes were models.
I think it's a shame 'cos I'm a...
so what actually happened with the original host just 'pulling the plug' on withou giving the mods time to move content over. Munro says they were 'screwed over' by the hosts, I'm just curious to know the details.
I'd just like to say thankyou to all the people involved in getting up and running again. Don't worry about the lost posts it wasn't your fualt. Well done all.
Well, half life mapping (HL2 will be very similar due to the fact that the engine is BSP based) is based around primitives. Maps are collections of convex objects described by the solid regoin bounded by 4 or more plains. I belive that Utk3 mapping is based around mesh/vertex editing.
That is so wired, i just headed over to off-topic to make an almost identical post! Suddenly the nice colour scheme is gone, there is a huge vBulletin logo and post counts are back. Which means all those idiots will be spamming like mad to try and get their post counts up, becuase it seems to...
it'd kinda be pointless if there were no restrictions on manipulator/gravity gun use.
eg, pulling enemies weapons out of their hands, or just throwing them around...
It's been on TV, I was watching this games programme on ITV and they were counting down the 10 most anticipated games, I thought 'It'd be a crime if HL2 wasn't number 1' - of course it was!
I guess this is why valve aren't porting HL2 to any unix platform, they would have to rewrite the graphics engine in OpenGL. Doom3 will be easy[er] to port as OpenGL will run on MS windonws and just about any other OS.
On that note, it seems (from the video where gordon falls into the water) that source doesn't support TIR (total internal reflection). It's not supprising as that would constitute quite a high overhead. It will be nice when games support fully realistic optics. It's bound to happen soon at the...