Are there any really greater mappers out there who would like to make some huge single player maps for me? No to be published online or anything, just so I can play them when I'm bored.
I really doubt that hammer will be included in the SDK. It wasn't included in the HL1 SDK, plus it wouldn't be worth creating levels if you can't play them. I don't think Valve want to release a game engine before HL2 ships as they wont be a demo or anything. If they did release an engine to...
Just noticed, in that screenshot, the combine guy's gun doesn't cast a shadow at all, look at the shadow of his hands. Sorry, if this has already been noted.
All gabe has said is that there will be higher quality audio codecs for voice comms in HL2.
And what is the deal with 12 year olds trying to rap over the mic everytime I play CS online (yeah I know it's my fault for playing CS...)
Like Gabe would say, It would be a fiarly easy mod....
Incedentally this concept can be done easily with serious SAM. Anyone with the demo can see an inside sphere area in one of the demo map's secret areas.
the chances are when that texutre was scaled down to a useable resolution (chances are, only people with 256mb gfx cards will be able to see 2k x 2k textures) those pieces of grass would be invisible. Try scaling it to 256x256 in PSP to see what I mean.
In the SDK there is a mention of a Radiosity tool (like there was for HL1). This indicates there is a least some static lighting. My guess is that the world brushes are lit as they were is HL1 (which explains why the shadows form buildings are a slighlty different colour, and a little blurry...
Yeah, I asked him about sprites in HL2 (something no-one else has asked yet). He didn't reply (it's been a while) but I guess he's just too busy. Maybe I shouldn't have started the email "Hey, Fatso!".
The knee-jerk reaction most people have to drugs is not really helpful. Sure drugs can kill you, if you take too much, but then again so can water. Some drugs are highly addictive, and they should be avoided due to a cycle of increased use that that generates. A lot are mearly habit forming or...
That doesn't really make sense, there are countires where Cannabis is legal and there are countires where Alcahol is illegal. Also caffiene in refined form is illegal in a lot of countries.
That texture looks like it's from a render (from the line artifacts) or it's at least computer generated. It makes sense to get your original to tile rather than to PS it (wich only really has to be done for photos). If it is a render, render it without shading and generate a bump map and...
So, submerge made a post about robin hood being gay, so Infinyte4D replies saying that saying that makes you gay...
Now submerge edited his post to read 'God Bless America' (it's the 4th of July here), but the reply was still the same:
Just thought that was funny....
Some of it will obviously have to be done server side (like running into people or shooting/being shot). If they could do all that clientside, it woould work for people as well and there would be no lag :-)
The people that start dicussing the answers are annoying, but what really makes me laugh is the people who post thier questions there, as if Gabe hacks into the forums himself to add his answers!
Are you kidding? Of course there will be WW2 mods....
For some reason the second world war is really fashionable these days in games.
I think there are also WW1 mods in developement.