Kewl. New content! Bowl me over with a feather.
Mind you, I'm still waiting for the dl... might take a nap while I wait. I thought this was why I upgraded to a 512 ADSL line.
Ah well, hope it's as cool as it sounds. But even if it were Alyx picking her nose for five minutes, I'd still...
X-bit labs has the skinny on the new RV360-based ATI cards.
This will be my choice for a video card upgrade for Half-Life 2, even though I may have to wait until a bit after the game comes out. The 9800 Pro is nice, and the 9900...
The poll options are a bit limiting. I wouldn't say that from the "final" game, of course, since the neither those levels nor the game itself were 'final' at the time of E3. Neither were they made specifically for E3.
My guess is that they might have been basically what were planned to be...
There was once a rumour that HL2 was going to be delayed because they didn't want to conflict with CZ's release. Gabe sent an email (somewhere) saying that it would never happen. CZ was on track, and if by chance it did slip significantly there wouldn't be any point in releasing it, so they... won't ship games outside of US (maybe to Canada?), but should deliver anywhere in EU, maybe also Israel. I think I pre-ordered there for £24 or so, which didn't seem too bad. I've paid as much for DVDs of movies I've watched once.
Valve are also really careful not to give any plot spoilers. Like that 'twist' in HL1 when you first thought the marines were the cavalry riding in to save the day (and your sorry a$$), only to turn out that they were there to hunt you down as well.
A real, "Luke, I am your father..." kind of...
More to the point, we have to revive that idea about HL1 on HL2 (Source). Now where'd that thread go...
Get Valve or some modders on that baby, quick!
Hmmm... makes sense. Astute observations, spiffae.
I'd almost they kept G-Man rather hidden, like in the first, rather than him just talking to you as if you were having a power lunch with your boss. But it's obvious from the facial animation demo that Valve have more of a 'starring role' in...
There seems to be an interesting story (and a Valve-Gearbox-Microsoft love triangle) behind why Gearbox was dropped as the developer of Condition Zero; why Gearbox was chosen to develop the PC port of Halo; and whether or not HL2 will be released for X-Box.
Still, Gearbox have never impressed...
It's was already stated in some interview (I think the PC Gamer preview) that the ant lions react to scent and will attack anything that doesn't smell friendly. This is why the pheromone is so important. Duh.
If you check out the Hydra scene, there are some really nice reflections, as metioned. Watch in slow-mo and you can see that Alyx is actually standing up to her ankles in the water, and there are very cool reflections around her legs, reflecting her pantlegs, and her shoes look properly...
I think so too. There was a discussion about this in another thread:
Thanks for the limnology lesson, too!
Yeah, thanks Braska. That's what I was getting at. Just too lazy to do the pic. It's either a bay, or a port with a tidal barrier. Nothing to get excited about.
Yup. This a feature that might be cool at first, but most people would turn it off (hopefully it'd be a graphics detail option) to get smoother graphics.