Pond is just a small lake. I don't think there are any hard-and-fast rules about at what size a pond becomes a lake.
If it's in your back yard, it's a pond. If it's the size of Lake Superior, it's a lake. In between...?
Aral Sea dried up because the Soviet Union decided the region was perfect for growing cotton and developed a huge irrigation program- which obviously backfired horrifically.
I think that it's not an enclosed lake. If you look off to the right of the town behind the crane, it looks like there...
I've been using ATI cards for over 15 years, and never been disappointed with their quality or service. Plus, I'm Canadian, so I have a little loyalty there.
AND they're just the best... most of the time... for the money.
Also just noticed that you can see the church/monastery from the roof as well. Except that it's not a western-style steeple, as it appears from the docks, but an eastern orthodox domed spire. This is of course more fitting for the eastern European theme, so perhaps they replaced the western...
I'm dead certain that the docks scene and the next scene (Father Gregori's 'traps') are only a stone's throw apart. You can see the windmill from the top of the roof when the Combine guards arrive (good eye Infiniti). You can also see the crane.
Not convinced that it's the beginning of the...
They had to upgrade the vgui.dll, because that was the problem which caused OpFor and Ricochet not to launch. More interesting, is that I noticed that filesystem_steam.dll, mediabrowser.exe, and dbg.dll in the Half-Life 2 Media director were also updated just moments ago. I think that Erik's...
I agree it could be that this is a smaller body of water left after the sea partially dries up. But we don't see the full way around to see if it's totally uncircled-- many ports have jetties or tidal barriers so that the ships don't get rocked by waves inside the port area.
And Tredoslop, I...
I don't think it's actually there. If it is they've hidden it much better than before- but that wouldn't be too hard. I'll let the real hackers out there do the dirty work if it is there.
Richochet and OpFor should be working now, so maybe that's what Steam was downloading.
I agree with Kamakiri. There's a VERY good reason to bother. If someone can hex their cache or config files to make it look like they have legitimately purchased, say Half-Life 2, when they hadn't that would be a rather big concern for Valve. Ok, so it's different when the file is actually on...
Easy-peasey. Check out the incendiary grenade (or whatever it is) in the buzzsaw/Hydra video. Good realistic flame igniting a poor hapless Combine guard. Not sure if its true spatial flame, but all best guesses say it is, using the new particle system.
Absolutely, it's a design question. The real issue is whether having the light on or off would make any difference to the computer AI. Shooting lights out with a silenced pistol was a standard procedure in Hitman 2, as you could then walk stealthy past guards who couldn't see you in the shadows...
I saw his name on the 'currrently browsing this forum' earlier today, and had the same thought... where have you been? So he's still around, but maybe just tired of the recent influx of little n00b headcrabs asking the same old questions.
This might make sense because Gordon seems to be waking, or kinda out of it, when Alyx says, "Gordon, you're staring at me again." Of course the "again" would indicate that it's not the very beginning, but could be quite close to it.
And I also agree with Chicky, I think Kleiner reverse...
There are still a couple scenes that have been seen by some game reviewers before E3 that weren't shown there. One where an ant lion attacks a group of Combine soldiers in an APC was mentioned in PC Gamer (June). There was also another tech demo, dropping a wrench into gearworks. So there is...
Another factor to consider is the potential of the particle system. The "look" in the outdoor shots in the videos is very hazy and grainy compared to the very clean screenshots we saw earlier. This leads me to believe that Valve will use the particle system to 'fuzzy-up' the background (dust or...