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  1. Dave

    Silent Hill: The Movie

    If this is true, then yay! What a freakin' awesome movie this would make! The only game that could better Silent Hill in a movie is Metal Gear Solid :)
  2. Dave

    Picture of your pets thread
  3. Dave

    Ok people its a joke thread.

    Why did the car crash? The driver turned into a goat.
  4. Dave

    Why do GAME listen to all the rumours?

    Game own EB don't they? In any case, Game are a UK video-game shop.
  5. Dave

    no MP gamer should go without this

    So? It's 'free'. I don't really want to pay for a program that does what I can do already, only quicker. Gamespy Arcade works perfectly for me. It's also useful because the home page displays the latest patches and demos on fileplanet (to which I subscribe) :)
  6. Dave

    no MP gamer should go without this

    Uhm, what is the attraction with this? All Seeing Eye = Not free Gamespy = Free
  7. Dave

    EA and ACTIVSION should go to hell

    I love it to be honest. I have been a fan of CnC since it first came out, and I say that Generals is definately the best so far, I think most of the Westwood people still work on it, just under the different name. I just hope they remake Tiberan Sun on the new (SAGE) engine :E
  8. Dave

    your favorite artists

    Delirious? DC Talk Pillar Blindside P.O.D Thebandwithnoname The Tribe ... Just to name a few. I'll listen to anything Christian and love it. Oh, and yes, Rage Against the Machine are awesome. Not sure about a favourite track, probably Bombtrack, Sleep Now in the Fire, Guerilla Radio.
  9. Dave

    EA and ACTIVSION should go to hell

    I have no problem with any companies. CnC Generals was an EA game and it's awesome.
  10. Dave

    To the oldbies...

    I wonder what member no# I am. True, I don't post as much as I used to, but thats mainly due to summer and having less time to hang on forums etc.
  11. Dave

    girls... (continued)

    She probably just had a bad day. Sorry if I was abit snappy in my previous reply - Computer troubles. Maybe give her some time to rest and then phone/text/email her and find out where you stand.
  12. Dave

    "per-pixel hit accuracy" sounds cool

    lol, you mean dodgy hit boxes around the head area? No no, that bug is still there.
  13. Dave


    I say it depends what you compair it with. Compaired to Half-Life, it will be slightly more freeform. Compaired to something like S.T.A.L.K.E.R, it will be very linear. It is a purely story-driven game. So, you won't be able to go off and do different things instead of what your meant to (or so...
  14. Dave

    girls... (continued)

    Ditto. Stop making a big deal out of everything. Even if she is messing around with you and doesn't want a relationship, it's not the end of the world.
  15. Dave

    The person above you

    Has a ridiculous amount of posts ;)
  16. Dave

    The person above you

    Is some kind of Demon?
  17. Dave

    PR Blunders: Valve vs. Id

    Smart first post. Welcome to the forums.
  18. Dave

    It's going back to the old school

    I got bored of posting so much :/ I only head on here a few times a week now.
  19. Dave

    Limp Bizkit

    The song is pretty good. I don't like the lyrics or anything. Ignoring those, though, the background noise is good I guess. Although I listen to much softer stuff to be honest. In general, I don't go out of my way to listen to this sort of music. I have no problem with the band.
  20. Dave

    SDK stuff...

    Don't forget S.T.A.L.K.E.R! ;)