Dog will revenge all dead barneys and scientists from HL1! Dog will kill you just as many times as you've killed friendly NPC's in HL1!
The scanners was in a pre-E3 video. It was an official trailer. The Scanners flew around in the city at some market place (you'll rekognize it if you look at some old screenshots)
Pentium 4 CPU 2.2ghz
GeForce 3 Ti500 64mb
1024mb RAM
Soundblaster Live
The only thing that may stop me from playing the game at the best settings is the graphics card...
Isn't it the same spots as in the G-man video (his throat). Some guys here told me that was because AA was turned of. I can't explain what AA is, but some people here can.
btw the birds aren't the in-game models (I think)
Because of some strange reason they don't want to do it, maybe they don't want people to mod it and make a longer version, until the real game is released. But after the release it's possible they release a demo (like in HL1)
They show water from distance in the first (but I want to see it, it shows the barrels sinking and fading away in the darkness!).
In the second you'll see it closer, and see through water (and see if the water surface is dynamic or not!?)
Hmm... Inte för att jag bryr mig så mycket, men nåt hände med min rank. Jag var Prowler, men helt plötsligt Zombie igen!
Fast som sagt, det spelar ingen roll...
Hehe, jag har:
2,2 ghz
GeForce 3Ti500 64mb
1024mb RAM=)
Det enda jag är orolig över är grafiken, men jag är så van vid att köra bästa grafiken på allt=)