ive been downloadin from two diff. spots, and im trying to extract them to the desktop. i tried to put them in winzip and winrar too, but that didnt work.
Alright, so im having problems with downloads. I downlaoded the ATI Control Center, but when i run the executable it gets like 1/4 of the way done extracting, then it says the file is corrupt. The same tyhing happened with another file, twice.... Am i just getting unlucky downloads or is...
Hey, right now my games crash when im running in 8x AGP, i heard this is becuase the VIA chipests have pretty bad drivers. So, i was wondering if anyone knew if the new 4in1's fixed this problem? I looked at the release notes but didnt find any info on this...
Rupertvdb, i will deffinitely still buy the game, and i still think it will be the best game out, im just saying that the screens dont impress me, although you're right i have seen far better ones, but i dont see why valve releases shitty screens.
the shadow on the rock flying in the first one is cut off. these screens ****ing blow. the game looks worse and worse every screen i see. the super old ones that they released at last years e3 were sick as hell compared to these new ones. Im losing interest every time i see something new.
In my bios i have it set to load from the HD First, although, after the boot screen, it tells me this:
Fastrack 378 Bios xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2003 Promise Technology
Scanning IDE Drives. . . . . . . . . .
No drive attached to FastTrack Controller. The BIOS is not installed.
i downloaded SP2 and, windows wouldnt even start, right before the enter your password screen it gave me an error and restarted the comp. so, once, by chance it started, and i was able to uninstall it.