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    Back from another... TRIP TO VALVE!

    look in the source there are some pics.
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    Back from another... TRIP TO VALVE!

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    Back from another... TRIP TO VALVE!

    you obviosuly dont know it if youre not sayin what it is biach
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    Back from another... TRIP TO VALVE!

    that is ****ing bullshit
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    Back from another... TRIP TO VALVE!

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    Back from another... TRIP TO VALVE!

    was there HDR in the game????
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    Back from another... TRIP TO VALVE!

    is there anything that you wish had been changed?
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    Back from another... TRIP TO VALVE!

    do you know what resolution it was playing at?
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    Back from another... TRIP TO VALVE!

    Hl2 or Farcry w/ better gfx?
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    Back from another... TRIP TO VALVE!

    does it look better than farcry????
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    Back from another... TRIP TO VALVE!

    How were the graphics? better or worse than the screens?
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    corsair xms vs corsair value

    the ocz 3200 is 2-3-2-6 T1 and the value is 2.5. is there gonna be a gaming preformance hit between the two? if so how much? thanks.
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    corsair xms vs corsair value

    Is there a noticable game preformance jump from the 3200 corsair value to the 3200 corsair xms?
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    Heatsink ; fan for Fx-53

    im gettin a OEM fx-53 939, i was wondering what some good choices are for a heatsink and fan combo. Thanks. Guinny, i know you are getting it too, what are you gonna buy for it?
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    Why Newegg Why!?!?!?!?!

    damn, i was gonna order that shit too in like a week. i hope they restock them soon.
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    First attempt at building a Computer..

    ya, the mobo is 940 and the cpu is 939
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    Build a computer guide online

    if someone here has built their own comp, can you please tell me what to look (troubles you had your first time, some important stuff, etc.) out for becuase its gonna be my first one
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    Build a computer guide online

    do i have to set up anything in the BIOS for dual channel ram?
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    Build a computer guide online

    o really? i thought that you had to do it. so do you pretty much just put the parts together and boot it up and install windows?
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    Build a computer guide online

    i didnt, but it aint specific enough. i need some knowlege about setting up the BIOS as well