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  1. Duracell

    Having some graphics problems.

    Is this a one off or does it happen every time? You didn't happen to alt-tab (and back) when it happened, did you?
  2. Duracell

    New Left 4 Dead Preview on L4D411 Includes Expert Footage

    Is that video player on their website flaky for anyone else?
  3. Duracell

    The Outbreak

    Stop focusing on the negatives! ;( Sure, you watched all your friends die, but you found new ones!
  4. Duracell

    The Outbreak

    Stupid cow fell down the stairs
  5. Duracell

    A Screenshot of minimum req please?

    Hello, this is the Police, and you better watch yourself. Mr. I've seen a few nice devs of other games release half and half screengrabs of low end and high end, as long as they're put in the right context and proper branding then they won't hurt a companies sales, you would be...
  6. Duracell

    Left 4 Dead Box Art Censored

    If the UK ever gets that bad, I think I might just end it all, that is taking the piss out of taking the piss. :rolling:
  7. Duracell

    Left 4 Dead Trailer Reaches Times Square

    so? I live in the UK, I'll say again: That is so awesome, I've never seen a game get so much eye catching advertisement, lets hope it pays off It's getting loads of advertisement in places that most people don't look, I've heard loads of people talking about it that normally wouldn't...
  8. Duracell

    Left 4 Dead Trailer Reaches Times Square

    That is so awesome, I've never seen a game get so much eye catching advertisement, lets hope it pays off :upstare:
  9. Duracell

    Left 4 Dead Achievements Revealed

    The bots always offered a better experience because the server browser was cack or just showed games of Deus Ex's dodgy multiplayer patch.
  10. Duracell

    Left 4 Dead Achievements Revealed

    Hero Closet Rescue a Survivor trapped in a closet. Oh really :O
  11. Duracell

    SourceForts v1.9.4 Released

    Version 3.0 of DuraFort Changelog, the most polished version yet! * Removed everything But yeah, surely every version should be as polished as it possibly can be... :sleep: Oh, and don't call me Shirley. Edit - The trailer was really good though
  12. Duracell

    Dawn of War II Coming To Steam

    Because that would overwhelm the casual audience and would take about 10 times longer to develop and hell on earth to balance well. Release it with four-five races, balance it, release an expansion pack with a couple more races if all went well, just like the original, that sounds like a good...
  13. Duracell


    We felt it in Reading, sat on the sofa watching Shaun of the dead, although apparently according to the sensor network we didn't feel a thing :) The sofa rocked for about 10 seconds, pretty hard, enough to see it moving :O
  14. Duracell

    what made you play half life

    (HL)Followed it through previews in PC mags, got it on the release date in Electronics' Boutique, bought a new PC on the same day to play it too! (HL2) Painfully waiting for years for Valve to release it, finally ended up buying it on Steam
  15. Duracell

    L4D... From Valve, expecting any changes?

    I don't agree with that at all - The way Turtle Rock have been flaunting L4D every chance they get is very un-valve-like, I think this potential delay is something to do with valve wanting to change stuff (for the better, one hopes :rolleyes:), as said above! :)
  16. Duracell

    L4D... From Valve, expecting any changes?

    So, Turtle Rock have been eaten by Valve at long last (don't tell me you didn't expect it... :naughty:) - Do you think valve will influence the game in any way? From looking at Portal, it appears to have been influenced by Valve in a lot of ways, it has the humour and the rewarding moments in...
  17. Duracell

    Photograph of BlackMesa

    Nice to see you're promoting a friendly atmosphere on the forums! New guys, eh? I'm sure a moderator will be along shortly to correct your rudeness, oh.. wait :( And yes, Slick isn't Magnusson! I couldn't find an original image of him, but the slightly tanned scientist from HL is Slick (Not...
  18. Duracell

    TF2 Holloween costumes!

    That is beyond words, my friend :D
  19. Duracell

    Will this be linked to HL2?

    Considering it's not out yet, and the L4D team are working with help from VALVe, I think it's safe to assume it's a place holder :angel:
  20. Duracell

    Valve Opens The Orange Box!

    wow, Apos is still alive. Portal is tongue in cheek, I love it :burp: