Search results

  1. Murray

    PS3 slim announced out in september

    I'm getting MGS4 and a bunch of Guitar Hero and Rock Band games (getting full band set) and probably Little Big Planet. Another reason I'm getting PS3 is to prepare for Brütal Legend. These are just some titles I get from the top of my head.
  2. Murray

    Any other fans of Slipknot?

    No big fan of Slipknot, I think most of the songs are just pointless, however I do like a few like for example: Wait and Bleed.
  3. Murray

    7 Combine avatars

    I guess they're okay, but the lightning of the combine soldiers doesn't really match the color theme of the respective backgrounds and they look a bit shopped since the picture of the soldier is a bit more blurry compared to the background (not counting the two last ones).
  4. Murray

    PS3 slim announced out in september

  5. Murray

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    Whenever I see Pi, I think "Kane from Command & Conquer-wannabe".
  6. Murray

    Wireless electricity...this is incredible!

    Bah, I was hoping for real Tesla Coils à la Red Alert. :(
  7. Murray

    More Half Life Speculation

    Science rules.
  8. Murray

    Upgrading Half Life 2

    That's an interesting theory you got there. I have to investigate this through the cunning use of photoshop. Holy shit! It's true!
  9. Murray

    Batman: Arkham Asylum

    What about Superman 64?
  10. Murray

    dog has nightmare

    Reminds me of this: (Yes, I know that it's older than the internets.)
  11. Murray

    2560x1600 screens

    It's not, I've seen that pic on 4chan several months ago.
  12. Murray

    PS3 slim announced out in september

    ...right, whatever you wish to call it. Still makes it a hassle.
  13. Murray

    Warsow Updates

    I used to play Warsow with a bunch of friends when we have LAN, it was kinda neat.
  14. Murray

    Third and Final Novint Falcon Giveaway!

    Wow, this is totally unexpected on my part. :D I would like to thank everyone that helped to make this possible. Thanks to Novint for making a last giveaway. Thanks bunch to Pi|Mu|Rho for playing without dying for 1044.2 seconds. And thanks to God/Jehova/Allah/Nobody for letting me win...
  15. Murray

    Some people should REALLY be shot on sight

    Joseph Fritzl's brothers I presume.
  16. Murray

    Awesome Advertisements

    /me watches as Barnz avatar head jiggles head in sync with the tune in the video.
  17. Murray

    THQ Collector Pack Weekend Discount on Steam

    Meh, any game in that package that is of any interest to me, I already own.
  18. Murray

    Literature: Rate and Discuss

    Don't Start The Revolution Without Me - Jesse Ventura 7/10 Overall this book felt kind of meh to read. Mostly Ventura tend to talk about the places were he lived and how he likes to spend his free time. I was hoping to get more political views from him, because I tend to find most of the stuff...