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  1. Murray

    Microsoft Tablet pc revealed!

    It will probably get Yellow Page Of Death or something.
  2. Murray

    Forza 3 + Brutal Legend Demos out!

    Brütal Legend DEMO? Only for 360 or for PS3 as well?
  3. Murray

    Community Reviewers Program

    So be it.
  4. Murray

    Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker DEMO OUT!

    Just downloaded it. Will try it out later.
  5. Murray

    Zero Puctuation reviews Batman:Arkham Asylum

    Holy shit. I just fiinished the Scarecrow bossfight. Why couln't this bossfight be longer? That was one of the most epic things I've seen in a game in a long time.
  6. Murray

    Community Reviewers Program

    Dang, I knew I shouldn't have deleted the review. You know what? I give up. This ain't worth my time.
  7. Murray

    Zero Punctuation

    Rock Band and GH seems to be going downhill now. Last good game was Metallica.
  8. Murray

    Community Reviewers Program

    The heck? I sent it to Pi during your absence.
  9. Murray

    Zero Puctuation reviews Batman:Arkham Asylum

    I have to say that after playing the full version for a while, the funniest thing so far, was the challanges from the main menu. Fighting a bunch of guys to get combo points and bonus points for every round was highly addictive. I didn't stop until I got three bat icons (highest ranking).
  10. Murray

    What would be the problem with this?

    I like this idea, make a movie out of it!
  11. Murray

    What would be the problem with this?

    Up and at them!
  12. Murray

    What would be the problem with this?

    Uh... not that I think it does that big of a difference, but the more things we launch into space, the more the earth's rotation route around the sun gets messed up?
  13. Murray

    Renegade X - UT3 mod(imminent release)

    Look good. Me likey.
  14. Murray

    Did everyone vote?

    I can't choose between those two, it's like choosing between apples or bananas.
  15. Murray

    Monkey Island 2 in Cryengine

    I enjoy the cartoonish look on the houses, although the rest of Scabb Island looks kinda Crysis:ish.
  16. Murray

    Students launch camera to edge of space

    tldr, cool photo lol
  17. Murray

    No girlfriend?

    One night stands?