Search results

  1. Murray

    How important is social life to you?

    I consider social life important, but nowadays I work so much that it becomes rather hard to be social with most of my friends. The little free time I have usually ends up me and three blokes in a couch, playing Monster Hunter on PSP.
  2. Murray

    If you could...

    I would ask about release date and then expect it to be released about roughly a year after that.
  3. Murray

    Woman In Wheelchair Booed At Health Care Town Hall

    I've never considered Obama Hitler or a communist. That would be silly.
  4. Murray

    Community Reviewers Program

    Currently I am playing Guitar Hero World Tour. I bought the full set for my Ps3 slim, and so far I've only played the guitar part. I'm gonna try mic and drums as well, plus I haven't tried online mode yet.
  5. Murray

    Community Reviewers Program

    How long time do we have to make this "test" review? I'm playing a game currently, that I'm thinking of making a mini review of, but I have to play all the aspects of the game before I feel that I can write the review.
  6. Murray


    If someone has already linked this, then sorry:
  7. Murray

    Woman In Wheelchair Booed At Health Care Town Hall

    Not sure if I agree with this. But I believe this is a valid point of view to have if you're against socialized medicine.
  8. Murray

    FEAR 2: Reborn

    Finished FEAR 1 just because I had new computer to see how well it ran (pretty good, but still shit game). FEAR 2 was a bit better in my opinion. A bit more variation on the level design, but still shit. I don't see any reason of giving this expansion any of my time.
  9. Murray

    only in russia

    \o/ Also, poor kid.
  10. Murray

    Top 10 Meals That Gamers Enjoy

    I had a terrible dilemma to vote between pizza and chips, ended up on pizza. Also lol, prejudices.
  11. Murray

    Do you rate threads?

    Previously to when I voted I have never rated a thread, however, I'm about to rate this thread one star.
  12. Murray

    PS3 has many games

    Darkside55 has Joke aside, happy birthday to you.
  13. Murray

    The most beautiful man in the world

    Thanks. Now I can never sleep again...
  14. Murray

    Community Reviewers Program

    I could consider doing these reviews. I haven't really had my reviewing skills judged before, so I'm not entirely sure how good I am to be honest, however I find my english to be somwhat decent. EDIT: Also, not sure if I qualify as a "known" member with my current post count, but I did join...
  15. Murray

    Woman In Wheelchair Booed At Health Care Town Hall

    I didn't hear what they were yelling, but it didn't seem like they were cheering her on. Anyone catch any of what they were yelling?
  16. Murray

    Your recent gaming purchases

    PS3 Slim, Guitar Hero World Tour Full Set and also I ordered MGS4.
  17. Murray


    I liked Freespace 2.
  18. Murray

    Gone in 31 Seconds

    I hope they get swineflu germs from touching the keyboards of the computers.
  19. Murray

    Should I say this joke... or not ?

    Some people can't take a joke. I'd advice against it.