I consider social life important, but nowadays I work so much that it becomes rather hard to be social with most of my friends. The little free time I have usually ends up me and three blokes in a couch, playing Monster Hunter on PSP.
Currently I am playing Guitar Hero World Tour. I bought the full set for my Ps3 slim, and so far I've only played the guitar part. I'm gonna try mic and drums as well, plus I haven't tried online mode yet.
How long time do we have to make this "test" review? I'm playing a game currently, that I'm thinking of making a mini review of, but I have to play all the aspects of the game before I feel that I can write the review.
Not sure if I agree with this. But I believe this is a valid point of view to have if you're against socialized medicine.
Finished FEAR 1 just because I had new computer to see how well it ran (pretty good, but still shit game). FEAR 2 was a bit better in my opinion. A bit more variation on the level design, but still shit. I don't see any reason of giving this expansion any of my time.
I could consider doing these reviews. I haven't really had my reviewing skills judged before, so I'm not entirely sure how good I am to be honest, however I find my english to be somwhat decent.
EDIT: Also, not sure if I qualify as a "known" member with my current post count, but I did join...