Search results

  1. MRG

    Twilight MMO in Development

    Like.. whatever... like, ( Flips hair ) don't even talk to me.. Like, you're not popular enough.. Did you read the entire series? Just curious. Their "vegetarian" diet is the root of all their unique changes. *Everyone* ( deep sigh ) knows that.. :P Can I be in it? Please? -MRG
  2. MRG

    The Killing Floor

    I started playing Killing Floor about 2 weeks ago when I got it as a gift. While it is very repetitive, I find I very much enjoy playing it. I play as a pure healer, meaning I don't fight at all. I just chase after everyone trying to jab needles into their backside while pulling off one-liners...
  3. MRG

    Twilight MMO in Development

    I find many of the comments rather funny. Thank you all for the LOL's. People trashing Twilight because it "changes" vampire lore? As if there was such a thing as Vampire Lore in the first place to be changed. Since you all seem to be experts, please tell me what is the correct lore when one is...
  4. MRG

    DRM is dead

    Oi! Thou shalt not utter blasphemy in my presence or thou shalt be condemned a heretic! Far Cry 2 was a fun game. DRM sucked. Good riddance & R.I.H. -MRG
  5. MRG

    Alan Wake PC version delayed indefinitely.

    False Advertising! I bet Remedy & Microsoft were in cahoots together. I remember reading about Alan Wake back when DX10 hadn't even been released & how it was going to showcase DX10 on the PC. Now Remedy is making it a 360 only game? I bet Remedy did that so that the PC market would want the...
  6. MRG

    So I'm an idiot

    This. -MRG
  7. MRG

    Ghostbusters PC has no multiplayer

    Sweet videos! Damn! Now I have to watch the movies all over again. It's been years.... The game looks fun. Bottom line, regardless of Atari, Is the PC version fun? How long is it if you collect everything & do everything? -MRG
  8. MRG

    Suggest some SNES games for me to purchase.

    My favorite SNES Games: Killer Instinct Crono Trigger Secret of Mana Illusion of Gaia Final Fantasy III Large SNES Game List -MRG
  9. MRG

    I found a PC. Not sure.

    Ahhh.. Building your first PC. A true rite of passage. If more people that used PC's ever took the time to build an actual computer from the motherboard up, a great many Techs would be out of a job. There are many, many different guides out on the web that will walk you through all the steps to...
  10. MRG

    Bionic Commando only sells 27K units in US at launch

    LMAO!! That is so not nice... :P -MRG
  11. MRG

    Infamous or Prototype?

    Prototype is a rather fun game in my humble opinion. After about an hour of playing, I found myself well on my way to overlooking the visuals & thus began to pay attention to the fun game play instead. Never before have I felt so like a God in a game, yet at the same time worrying about...
  12. MRG

    Who needs birth control? FREE abortions for everyones!!!

    LMFAO! I don't know why I found that so funny, but I sure as hell did. Can I have my flag with a cupcake? -MRG
  13. MRG

    father injects EMO son with hiv

    This. -MRG
  14. MRG

    What's your hobby?

    Hobbies Before Marriage: Hiking. Fishing. Reading. Camping. Motorcycle. PC Gaming. Console Gaming. Feeding Stray Cats. Rock & Ice Climbing Played the Drums for over 10 years. Hobbies After Marriage: Reading. PC Gaming. Feeding Stray Cats. Cleaning The House. Fishing with my daughter. ( Best...
  15. MRG

    Awkward Family Portraits dot com

    An excellent game. -MRG
  16. MRG

    Where is ID?

    I'm one of those Anti-fans. (kidding) I enjoyed Quake 4 quite a bit. I'm just still mad about Doom 3 sucking as bad as it did & my spending $65 on some special edition crap or what-have-you. Doom64 was so much better.... -MRG
  17. MRG

    Senior role call...

    I was a senior 16 years ago. Does that count? I never really did grow up..... Congrats though to those of you that are Seniors & are graduating. You may not see it or feel it now, but it is a big step on the stairway called life. -MRG
  18. MRG

    Gone Fishing...

    Unless I am camping & get a sudden craving for fish-wrapped-in-tinfoil-with Lemon-&-Salt, I am strictly Catch & release. -MRG