Search results

  1. MRG

    Dragon Age: Origins

    All of you of course realize right, that you don't only get quests from NPC's or by following the games main plot? You can also find items out in the game world while exploring, which will add info to your codex & Journal. If you take the time to read it, you will then either learn outright or...
  2. MRG

    Dragon Age: Origins

    I just love the Critical Hit fatalities. Anyone have any idea as to how many there are? Outside Boss encounters, I have come across 3. 1) Triple slice with dual swords. 2) 360 spin then beheading with sword & shield. 3) 180 spin then stab backward with great sword. Each was a...
  3. MRG

    anyone going to watch V?

    I don't watch TV. TV is evil & spreads the devils message, which as we all know, is to eat more popcorn. So no, i'll not watch V on TV. That being said, I was an avid follower of V back in the 80's & if I remember correctly, watched every episode. Several times. I have been waiting for this...
  4. MRG


    How about the OS? I'm curious if more people that have Vista installed, regardless of the version, are having more problems than those with say XP or Win7? We all know Vista is junk. Even if you have no problems with it, it's still junk. Does anyone here have Vista installed & have problems...
  5. MRG


    What I wouldn't do, to get my hands on some of your guys PC's. Or better yet, to know just what your expectations are performance wise. My daughters PC is getting up there in age, yet has no problems running games like Borderlands or GRAW2 more or less smoothly. I'm curious to see the...
  6. MRG

    Dragon Age: Origins

    I am playing as a Human Warrior and while I just started the game, I fracken love it. Bioware sure does know how to create memorable characters & game worlds. Dragon Age does indeed have excellent voice acting, an engaging plot, purdy visuals & great audio ambiance. I just don't see how the game...
  7. MRG

    Dragon Age: Origins

    Post Deleted by MRG
  8. MRG


    Having a hard time of finding a listing online of all the armor types/sets for Risen, so I went in-game & simply counted the armor types that are listed via the console that you can spawn. I counted: 44 types of armor listing. I spawned a random number & could either equip them or needed...
  9. MRG


    Do I like Risen? You tell me. :P -MRG
  10. MRG

    [Hack 'n' Slash] Torchlight

    LMAO! That's a clever way for the Devs to get out of having to invest more time into the game to make a MP addition. Let a modder do it for them/us for free. As for the game itself, I am having a good old time playing it. Vastly superior to FATE. I just reached level 10. I'm playing as the...
  11. MRG


    Same here. I have no game-play issues of any kind. Even after hours of continuous play. What is the OS that most seem to be having the memory problems with? I'm on WinXP Pro myself & as I said above, I have no game play/slow-down problems at all, nor does my daughters PC for that matter come to...
  12. MRG


    I got the transit system up last night myself. 1) Uncharted looks great, but I'm not about to spend $300 on a PS3. 2) Batman was a big disappointment for me, though the Joker was fantastic. 3) Dirt 2 - Not played 4) OFP:DR is fun, though for me, it just does not live up to the original. I guess...
  13. MRG


    Her system was kindly donated to her by her uncle, Top Secret. It is: AMD Opteron 165 @ stock 1.8GHz Asus A8N32-SLI Deluxe ( I think that's the mobo. It's Been forever since I put it all together ) 2GB DDR-500 Using the Onboard AC'97 sound I bought a new Sapphire 8500GT for $35 on eBay & so...
  14. MRG


    I just got the quest to go after Skagzilla, but I got a little sidetracked due to the bandits coming after me in their Dune Buggies-O-Death. So after an epic battle behind the wheel, I am once again on my way going after Godzilla's little pet. I sold Sledge's Shotgun. Even though it did mucho...
  15. MRG

    Dead Space?

    It is a fun & scary game that's full of atmosphere. If you don't like the controls, then I would advise you to search through my older back posts, as I post a program that you can use to rebind all your controls for the game, as you cannot change the games default controls. That was the only...
  16. MRG


    No, not illegal & I could have refused. Getting paid for the time missed on my last check is not in question. I just wanted it all on this paycheck, as it would have been the biggest to date with all the overtime, but nope. Now I gotta wait until the next holiday, which happily is only next...
  17. MRG


    I am level 17 & have just entered the Mine. I found my first Rocket Launcher & so I of course went back into the crystal cave & owned everyone. I had to go back & kick some ass, as they kicked mine for 4 levels & $20k in re-spawn fee's. Boy did it feel good. While getting the mine key, I got a...
  18. MRG

    Heya DigiQ8, Sorry my reply is late in comming. I just now noticed your message. All is great...

    Heya DigiQ8, Sorry my reply is late in comming. I just now noticed your message. All is great on my end, how about you? Getting ready/looking forward to the holidays? -MRG
  19. MRG


    I agree. There is something about this game that is just simply done right. I am now level 16 & just finished the "Crystal Cave" mission. I started it @ level 12. Took me 4 levels & about $20,000 in respawn cash, but I finally beat it. ( I entered the cave with a little over $40k ) Instead of...
  20. MRG


    Just unlocked & Spawned my first vehicle. I have not used the Bunny Express yet. ROADKILL!! -MRG