Thanks :) But first of all we want to get INS out the door just to see if we really are good at the design part! Remember, gameplay is the best part about a game ;) It can look good, but if it plays like crap... what's the use in playing at all?
They will be after the first release. Can't tell you exactly when, since we'll decide further down the road, but adding new teams on the code side will be relatively easy with the way that we've designed things to operate. :thumbs:
Yes, don't think that we are all hardcore on realism. Most games out there now that are self-proclaiming 'realism' or 'authenticity' are only in terms of how the player moves or how weapons act. What is missing is the overall way the rounds play out... it isn't realistic at all. Part of that...
DaveL has also been recorded doing a lot worse, that many of you do not know about.
Let's see how long it takes for a] DaveL to PM me or b] this post being deleted.
Dave, if you don't want shit to be known, don't start it. You're bringing mod making to a new low and frankly it's disgusting.
Source isn't really designed for vehicles in multiplayer. I'm not saying it can't, but it isn't too practical. Insurgency is likely not going to include vehicles in our first release, for the simple reason of we want to get it right. As john3571000 stated, INS is concentrating on the infantry...
Yeah, only 2,853 are playing it right now... that's hardly anyone eh.
It looks damn good and hopefully there will be support for mods to utilize it as well.
Sorry about that, it wasn't my view when I formed the mod. Heck, the mod has been around longer than the war in Iraq. But when the majority of the market is American, usually you should go for that. That's what I meant by my comment. Sorry I sounded like a politician, that wasn't my intent.
Glad you guys like it :) Thanks for all of the positive comments.
If you look from a marketing perspective, Iraq is a natural choice to gain attention. Would there be more interest in a mod set elsewhere and not involving US forces?
lol, We're still at the team-level testing stage before we get to the limited beta testing. We'll make the announcement closer to the time, but at this point I can't tell you when that will be.
I lost interest of dinosaurs back in 1993 when I discovered the coolness of WWI biplanes. Everyone probably had an interest with dinosaurs back in the day, so this mod should rekindle some inner youth :P