Once you see/experience the gameplay of INS, you will definitely know the difference between us and BF2. Besides, we were working on the mod before BF2 was even announced and still maintain the same design that we've always had ;) We don't want to be like BF2, so won't even try to replicate...
As I lead INS, I am obviously a fan of 'realistic' games. However, I do agree with the fact that not including some things for the sake of 'realism' is quite unpractical.
When all of these 'realistic' elements stack up, they end up making things more complicated than they should be and...
Can you please name those 50 middle eastern war games along with the 500 middle eastern war mods? I'd like to see them all :)
But seriously, do you think it's stupid to have it based on the war in Iraq? We also are oriented to the war in the Balkans during the mid-1990's. That's because I...
I saw a [HL2.net] clan member while playing BF2. He didn't respond to my 'Hey, I'm on HL2.net Forums too!' remarks :P I forget who it was though... My in-game alias is 'Spearin.'
My brief review:
Pros: Great sound, great dynamic lighting and shadows, good teamwork with the right people, command system I like (considering it's very similar to how INS's is...), infantry stand more of a chance, player and vehicle animations are nice, vehicle HUDs are very nice, more...
First of all what you should do is write down what all of your ideas are. Get it all out of your head and on paper so that you can show others. Then what you should do is a little bit of investigating as to whether your ideas are possible with the Source engine. Ensure that you download the...
Thanks for all the feedback guys, positive or otherwise :)
The resolution isn't really that high on the textures, and what you see there will be the first LOD of many. I think you would know what that means polyguns, so I won't go into an explanation. We realize the importance of...