/me makes a big enterance with load music and dressed in black......
anywhom, i will try to get a compotion up for chrismas day, or something for you guys, but first i need to know, month or week?
here are the rules so far:
These are fixed for the contest, they will not...
hey thanks dude, it's nice to know people still love me somewhere, just been out (again) but this time with aload of good friends had the most fun i've had in ages...
I geuss i'll have to make more appeiences again,. as so many people love me...
/me listerns to people moan.....
I work at MACRO, "going that extra smile" on the weekends, and all other time, I am a full time student doing a national diploma in graphic design.....
and when i'm not doing that i'#m drawing or painting with my girlfriend
oh gosh, thanks people,
you've made my day, thanks all....
and i am 18 for whoever asked..
thanks all of you, espc all the old guys.....and farrow...god i love you guys.....
/me drunkenly hugs everyone.......
meh i'm legal now :P
All you can do is walk around town and look at stuff, it's pretty naff at the moment, me and farrowlesparrow took a walk around in it a while back, it wasnt that impressive, although the idea is in the right place.....
I've just posted mine, really not that good, but i couldn't miss the chance to use that dvd cover :P.........
anywhom, don't know who i'll vote for, they are all good :P (except mine)
Not Much Of A Spoof Of A Very Old Film Indeedy....
(Sorry about the size of it, but it lost small important details if it was shrank down, or compressed more ;()
hmm, my avatars..........
I've always made mine, and have never used someone elses work....
usual HL2.NET avatar:
festive HL2.NET avatar:
and now all MY MSN avatars:
I personally am getting, hopefully if people have got the hint, a huge A0 drawing board, a essel (sp?) and lots of different drawing materials...
hehe, i cant wait, my Birthday in a week YAY (7th dec)
yes what essex said is true...
but the main thing you've got to remeber with eyes, is that they portray the soul of the character...so you should be able to take the eyes out of the pivture and view them on their own and they should still give the feelingws and personallity which the...