I was playing halflife 1 today and tried running at 1280x1024 and for some weird reason the console and other small text gets all funny in Direct 3D mode. In openGL at the same resolution the text is clear.
Anyone know what the problem is ?
I have a hercules ati radeon 9800 pro 128mb with...
Repeating textures are the worst... also flat polygons. Did anyone notice on the source engine HDR demo that when the user went into the wind tunnel the wooden planks were all flat and blocky? If anything needs a normal (bump) map then wood does!
hehe I wonder what would have happened if you went ahead with the plan B's (pizza, cake, sneaking in). sounds like you had a good time and thanks for the excellent report :/
TFC is like a bugs bunny cartoon... scouts bouncing around, other funny characters doing larger than life things
I hope TF2 is what its name suggests, a sequel to TF1 for Quake, but with source power...