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  1. Zerox

    Doom III demo updates and id software's new game updates at PlanetDoom.

    I think it is Quake 2 updated with Doom 3 engine.
  2. Zerox

    Doom 3 - Trent Reznor Sound Pack

    Yes the sounds were ripped from the alpha and id dont want wep pages to spread it. So download now if you want it.
  3. Zerox

    Doom 3 - Trent Reznor Sound Pack

    These are the sounds that Trent made for the game.
  4. Zerox

    Doom 3 - Trent Reznor Sound Pack

    This sound pack is highly recommended Changes the sounds for the imp, the pinky, the zombie, the fat zombie, the zombie commando, the hell knight, the pistol, the shotgun, the machine gun, the chaingun, the player, that's it!
  5. Zerox

    Who wants to have some fun? VIDEO CAPTURING!

    These should work instead. com_aviDemoHeight com_aviDemoWidth
  6. Zerox

    First Doom 3 movie (trick/frag movie)

    That's it.
  7. Zerox

    *~*Half-Life 2 preload begins August 17*~*

    There's a light at the end of the tunnel after all.
  8. Zerox

    Half-Life 2 - Pre-Load Date

    And it's already on the news page.. damn you are fast, Chris_D. :D
  9. Zerox

    Good video card for Doom 3

    Im playing Doom 3 on High @ 1024 using 9600Pro and A64@2100MHz and 1024Mb ram plus Humus tweak and tweaked .cfg-file.
  10. Zerox

    First Doom 3 movie (trick/frag movie)

    "This is the first "Real" trick/frag movie for Doom III. It includes; Single tricks, Team Tricks, Frags (airrockets included :D)
  11. Zerox

    enjoy about 40% higher performance in Doom3 Using ATI cards

    PS Humus work at ATI as an "Developer relations Engineer".
  12. Zerox

    enjoy about 40% higher performance in Doom3 Using ATI cards

    UPDATE* Tweak-file has been updated it's faster then org-tweak and it also removes those artifacts.
  13. Zerox

    DOOM 3 Cel Shader v1.0

    Here I've attached it to this post.
  14. Zerox

    DOOM 3 Cel Shader v1.0

    Zombies don't disintergrate.
  15. Zerox

    DOOM 3 Cel Shader v1.0

    Isn't there a way to fix this issue? There must be!
  16. Zerox

    DOOM 3 Cel Shader v1.0

    How? Well... they simply respawn at the spot were you killed it.
  17. Zerox

    DOOM 3 Cel Shader v1.0

    I like it. I haven't found the chainsaw yet so zombies are annoying since they return from death, but thats how it's supposed to be. It's fun to use the shotgun now because enemies fly back much longer.
  18. Zerox

    DOOM 3 Cel Shader v1.0

    Here is what it does.
  19. Zerox

    DOOM 3 Cel Shader v1.0

    Im playing Doom 3 with Project Brian mod installed.
  20. Zerox

    DOOM 3 Cel Shader v1.0

    This mod is garbage... revolutionary my ass.