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  1. Yakuza

    Are you a Virgin?

    I had my duaghter when I was 17, so I can attest to the truth of this. But I do not regret it, and would never change anything. She is so smart. She is deaf and got an implant that lets her hear. For the first 3 years of her life she never heard a single word now she is above he entire...
  2. Yakuza

    Are you a Virgin?

    But how much more benificial when casual sex is done with some your spending the rest of your life with.
  3. Yakuza

    Are you a Virgin?

    Your awsome man! :cheers:
  4. Yakuza

    MoH Pacific Assault: post here if you bought it

    I bought it and am probably 3/4 finished. the game owns, I have had more fun playing this than Doom3. Game spot review was trash. Especaily were he said that parts of it seem to come right out of the movie Pearl Harbor. Other that part of the game takes place in pearl harbor there is not a...
  5. Yakuza

    If you could go back in time, where/when would you go?

    Holy crap wait a second. Lets say you go back in time. before you were concieved. Now if you had not been concieved doesn't that make it a 50% chance of you becoming a girl or boy. And if you kept going back into time your gender might change when you come back into the present time. :eek:
  6. Yakuza

    If you could go back in time, where/when would you go?

    LOL the world is like Gods version of MMORPG.
  7. Yakuza

    If you could go back in time, where/when would you go?

    uh ever hear of the Luxor :laugh:
  8. Yakuza

    If you could go back in time, where/when would you go?

    well if we are trying to keep religion out of the topic...hmm.... I guess I would go back to 1700's-1800's. And study with some of the classical masters. Mostly Chopin, because he had all the chicks. :thumbs: But I would also like to meet Beethoven. I could also teach him sign language...
  9. Yakuza

    What would you do if........

    haha..if the world turned to zombies I would run for president...oh wait it looks like a zombie just got re-elected.DAMN!
  10. Yakuza

    2 more states ban gay marriage

    I was allways confused by the term "makeout". I mean when I wanted a girl, I allways tried to "make-in", if you catch my drift.
  11. Yakuza

    Most Embarrassing / Strangest moments

    The funniest thing I can remmember actualy happened to my friend during science class. I think I have selectivly blocked out mine from memory as they were probly to painful. Anyways.... I had science class with ALL of my best buds. My teacher hated us because most of the class we spent...
  12. Yakuza

    2 more states ban gay marriage

    Holy crap..what problems are we talking about. Sorry I might have missed somthing. My point was, if were going to start taking away the right for people to choose what they want to do as far as relationships go, why not start with putting a ban on that wich is more distructive for a society...
  13. Yakuza

    2 more states ban gay marriage

    While your at it, put a ban on divorce. That seems to be causing way more problems in america than homosexual marriages. And I half to say most hetrosexual marriages are based on selfish indulginces. Most people are fundemtaly with some one because of what that person can offer them. He/She...
  14. Yakuza

    Who's making a MOD ?

    Stupid mods, I hate them.....I wanna break them all RRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! Cant resist the rage AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
  15. Yakuza

    2 more states ban gay marriage

    When you say America or Unisted states, your including me. I didn't vote for Bush and yet Me and my Children will reap the sour fruits of his labor. And what is it that we deserve, more terrorism, more war? See the problem is fear....fear that America in general might have to think about...
  16. Yakuza

    2 more states ban gay marriage

    If I dont think that two guys should marry, that makes me a biggot? I also dont agree that Hetrosexuals should have sex before marriage, does that also make me a biggot against un married couples.
  17. Yakuza

    2 more states ban gay marriage

    Actualy there is no "definition" for marriage. Thats the whole point of the constitutional admenment, To define what marriage is. I agree that only a man and a women should marry, but I cant see justifing forcing any one else ot believe that. Especialy when it doesn't infringe on the basic...
  18. Yakuza

    2 more states ban gay marriage

    I have to say after much thought, I agree with CptStern. Allthough I dont agree with homsexuality based on who I am and what I believe, I do agree with equal rights to "HUMANS" reguardless of the choices between two "CONSENTING" adults. I still have reservations in the area of gay people raising...
  19. Yakuza

    Bush to declare "Victory"

    well he's not going to pay for it cause we all are. This war will resound through out all the nations. And in our country...well...I will be eaten alive by taxes and probably be drafted. :thumbs: you rock bush :frown:
  20. Yakuza

    No Real Choice...

    Well I am a libertarian, so thats were my vote goes.