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  1. tokin

    Have you played the leak?

    I played the last level. It was fun blowing the g-man into that portal putting him on the Xen for the aliens to eat him....sweet ending. TOTAL JOKE!
  2. tokin

    Senior Pranks...need some help

    Another school near mine did this, except these used pigs.
  3. tokin

    Senior Pranks...need some help

    We are trying to look for the best overall senior prank we can pull at the end of the year. As for a few littles ones we have the following... 1. Slip-n-slide in the hall way. 2. A lot of super soaker guns soaking the freshmen after they get out of class. 3. Type of material that stains the...
  4. tokin

    Avoiding these forums at all costs: My Nov 16th Story

    Well, doesn't matter, once HL2 is out you guys may never see or hear from me again unless you come across me in some huge Team Fortress 2 battle...whenever that will be! :)
  5. tokin

    Shaun of the Dead

    Saw it tonight. LOVED THE ending for any zombie movie ive ever seen..hilarious.
  6. tokin

    Sick and tired of WAITING, AND WAITING...

    It would be nice if they gave us HL Source early.
  7. tokin

    Half-Life2 have annoying doors?

    Well from what i can believe this was taken from a review (NO SPOILERS IT'S OKAY!) and i quote "Even locked doors - often a source of frusteration in a game - are neatly explained by the fact that the Combine has installed repressive security measuers in the city. This game has thought of...
  8. tokin

    Team Fortress 2

    You know what, that's extremelly reasonable and a great argument as to what TF2 will be like. TF2 could easily of been turned around slightly, with a few different groups in the game and could possibly be the multiplayer. It's been said it's not though, valve refuses to talk about it, they have...
  9. tokin

    San Andreas on NBC

    This is ridiculous. If parents are concerned, they should know what their own kids are playing. If not, thats their damn fault. However, it is a problem if retailers are selling the game and not carding the people. Entertainment is entertainment, GTASA is a perfect example of it and it's also a...
  10. tokin

    Team Fortress 2

    I think most of the ideas we have heard for TF2 are staying. I'm sure they have been plenty of more designed into the gameplay and I can't wait to see what they have done! Hopefully we can get some sort of trailer/teaser and information before this year is up. :)
  11. tokin

    Are you doing HL2 for Halloween?

    I see now :) He did a hell of a job.
  12. tokin

    Are you doing HL2 for Halloween?

    Well I'm to old for that :( I'll probably do some sort of halloween party and get real trashed :) EDIT: I think that picture is fake, how is the lambda sign being held up? Photoshop?
  13. tokin

    Need For speed:UNDERGROUND 2 DEMO OUT

    Thank ya buddy. I'll end up buying this game for the PS2 anyways...eventually. Damn these games this holiday season... Halo 2 Half Life 2 GTA: San Andreas Everquest 2 (Don't care for it though) Killzone (PS2) NFS 2 Metroid Prime 2 What am i leaving out?
  14. tokin

    Need For speed:UNDERGROUND 2 DEMO OUT whole screen is black when i try and play it..the main menu and stuff is all good but INGAME everything is black except for like my rear lights and spedometer...???
  15. tokin

    These HL2 Encrypted Files....

    So a lot of mathematical equations and what not?
  16. tokin

    in source engine, players get pushed away by objects, is it normal ??

    Yeah, i hope Half-Life 2 isn't like this. If you think about it, it probably won't be, plus it's going to run a lot smoother and even look better at times for so that CS:S. :)
  17. tokin

    These HL2 Encrypted Files....

    So I just want this to be explained. I understand they are encrypted and what now but isn't there someone out there that can "hack" them or whatever. What exactly would you have to do...? A password? Some sort of language? How would ppl even attempt to go about opening these coded files....
  18. tokin

    Who invented the preload of encrypted data?

  19. tokin

    How to "RE"Activate Windows XP PRO?

    ^^ Well, it was an automative machine asking the the digits and supposivly they were wrong, i tried the key in my system properties and in My Computer>Properties. I might be screwed once i reformat.
  20. tokin

    Gta : Sa..east Coast Will Have Tonight After 7 As Well!

    My friend is picking it up RIGHT NOW.