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  1. Dile

    HL2 Guns for HL1... Group Effort Needed...

    Another WIP...For All Your Needs :- )
  2. Dile

    HL2 Guns for HL1... Group Effort Needed...

    Wow, thanks for the nice words, everyone :cheers: StickFigs:
  3. Dile

    HL2 Guns for HL1... Group Effort Needed...

    Read this: It's in the HL SDK and it explains EVERYTHING that is HL modeling related
  4. Dile

    HL2 Guns for HL1... Group Effort Needed...

    I use Softimage|XSI EXP I think I can solve the conversion problem, dunno what formats does 3ds Max support. EDIT: I'm an Ant Lion w00t
  5. Dile

    HL2 Guns for HL1... Group Effort Needed...

    I have lots of reference pics (~25), but the HL2 version has lots of differences.
  6. Dile

    HL2 Guns for HL1... Group Effort Needed...

    Thanks:cheers: Actually, It's ~6-8 hours' work. The hardest thing will be to import the hands, I still can't find a max -> .3ds/.xsi/etc converter :- ( (all the models in the HL SDK are in .max and .smd) I'll try to get advantage of Milkshape somehow... Also, the USP match model in one...
  7. Dile

    HL2 Guns for HL1... Group Effort Needed...

  8. Dile

    HL2 Guns for HL1... Group Effort Needed...

    Hmmm, it worx for me... I couldn't attach, because its too big. Maybe I should resize it. What does it say when you click on the link?
  9. Dile

    HL2 Guns for HL1... Group Effort Needed...

    Work in progress? It's not working?
  10. Dile

    HL2 Guns for HL1... Group Effort Needed...

    WIP...For all your f***ing needs :cheers:
  11. Dile

    HL2 Guns for HL1... Group Effort Needed...

    I can rip those easily, but if you are bored, you can do it :- )
  12. Dile

    HL2 Guns for HL1... Group Effort Needed...

    Well I need a useable format of the model first, then I'll do the makeup.
  13. Dile

    HL2 Guns for HL1... Group Effort Needed...

    Ok, I'm starting my mp7 project. I already downloaded the example pics, but I'll need a texture artist to do the textures (not now, but when I'm done with the geometry). BTW shouldn't this be in the modelling forum?
  14. Dile

    HL2 Guns for HL1... Group Effort Needed...

    Hey there I will join you if you don't mind:- ) First, I had a perfect USP Match shoot sound ripped from the e3 vid a month ago, but somehow it got deleted. But nm I can do it again. Second, I'll need this USP model in a format that is supported by XSI 3.0 (i have a 3ds importer too, so...
  15. Dile

    Update: Techdemo Easter Egg hunt.

    Hmm, texture scaling problem on the left. Don't miss that one!
  16. Dile

    Update: Techdemo Easter Egg hunt.

    Mine too :- ) Hell I love this avatar. I love this map (in advance:- ) ) Man, you are the coolest, Adam
  17. Dile

    Anand says benchmark demo on Sept 30th

    Er, I don't remember anyone saying THAT
  18. Dile

    anyone think about this?

    Well, Gabe already has 2 posts on this forum (info for the "headcrabs", the NEW headcrabs I mean :D )
  19. Dile

    Anand says benchmark demo on Sept 30th

    Gabe himself said on ATI Shader Days that it will be released on the 30th.
  20. Dile

    Gman's "employers"

    It is, thx:cheers: