In HL2 it was said in the end by Dr. Breener that he had "potential bids for freeman", also the same was said by the (G-man) in the very end of HL2 and gordan was set aside till then, just as in HL1, for waiting i presume. By this I assume that both men do work for some other civilization like...
lol that same shit happened to me but i was actually supposed to get an interview and visit them, after about 2 replies they never sent back. its been a month since the last email...
Good questions, my camera holds 120+ or 160+ I cant remember which so its definetly enough and its a real nice camera so they will be real nice. Also i'll have to ask them about that supposive delay, I hope its not true.
I will be visiting the Valve Office in February in Bellvue, Washington. I'll try to make this short, I dont know alot of things to ask when I get there, so I'd like for you guys to ask some stuff to the Half-Life 2 staff or maybe even things to look for. Just let me know who the question is to...
The ichiasourus or whatever its called ( the swimming monster ) would be incredible in HL2 with the water effects and the realsim of it. Plus that thing was scarey as hell.
If you profile the hacker he seemed a cautious one and didnt give away any info, watching what he did. This one seems quite opposite. The whole thing looks real but I highly doubt its the original guy.