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  1. MIWojo11

    Gordans Role

    In HL2 it was said in the end by Dr. Breener that he had "potential bids for freeman", also the same was said by the (G-man) in the very end of HL2 and gordan was set aside till then, just as in HL1, for waiting i presume. By this I assume that both men do work for some other civilization like...
  2. MIWojo11

    DVD: Collectors Edition

    haha you guys are a bunch of dumb***s
  3. MIWojo11

    DVD: Collectors Edition

    Since the Collectors Edition comes with a DVD instead of CD's. Will you need a DVD-ROM to play it?
  4. MIWojo11

    Interview Questions for Doug Lombardi

    lol that same shit happened to me but i was actually supposed to get an interview and visit them, after about 2 replies they never sent back. its been a month since the last email...
  5. MIWojo11

    Gabe not responding

    my first email i sent i got a reply about 2 weeks ago :)
  6. MIWojo11

    Ask the valve staff a question!

    Good questions, my camera holds 120+ or 160+ I cant remember which so its definetly enough and its a real nice camera so they will be real nice. Also i'll have to ask them about that supposive delay, I hope its not true.
  7. MIWojo11

    Ask the valve staff a question!

    Yah I understand, just wanted to help both sides.
  8. MIWojo11

    Ask the valve staff a question!

    Dates change Shuzer..
  9. MIWojo11

    Ask the valve staff a question!

    I will be visiting the Valve Office in February in Bellvue, Washington. I'll try to make this short, I dont know alot of things to ask when I get there, so I'd like for you guys to ask some stuff to the Half-Life 2 staff or maybe even things to look for. Just let me know who the question is to...
  10. MIWojo11

    Which edition of HL2 will YOU buy?!

    collectors definetly
  11. MIWojo11

    What monsters from Half-Life...

    The ichiasourus or whatever its called ( the swimming monster ) would be incredible in HL2 with the water effects and the realsim of it. Plus that thing was scarey as hell.
  12. MIWojo11

    Will you buy HL2 straight away, or wait for the reviews?

    I would buy it right away. Even if the reviews sucked I would buy it.
  13. MIWojo11

    HL2 raids?

    If you profile the hacker he seemed a cautious one and didnt give away any info, watching what he did. This one seems quite opposite. The whole thing looks real but I highly doubt its the original guy.
  14. MIWojo11

    Took a trip to Valve, heres the story

    Awesome man thanks for all the great info. I cant wait! Im so excited..
  15. MIWojo11

    Making a Gordon Freeman Costume for Halloween.

    I wonder if you'd get something half-life 2 related if you stopped by gabes or one of the valves fellows houses..
  16. MIWojo11

    Friendles, I Anticipate

    Hmm... I shall leave this alone.
  17. MIWojo11

    HL2_TechDemo Easter Egg Hunt - Gone GOLD

    around 2mb
  18. MIWojo11

    HL2_TechDemo Easter Egg Hunt - Gone GOLD

    I think its delayed once again.
  19. MIWojo11

    HL2_TechDemo Easter Egg Hunt - Gone GOLD

    dude stop speaking spam, french, german, and fo sheezy
  20. MIWojo11

    HL2_TechDemo Easter Egg Hunt - Gone GOLD

    oh so we have to get it in with steam, i see..