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  1. Cleric

    Half-Life 2 Story

    I think its likely its a new HEV, as if your doing urban combat you want to blend in with the buildings i.e. more grey, if you wandering around in a bright orange suit your gunna stick out like an n-sync fan at a slayer concert!!!!
  2. Cleric

    Did anyone else find that chick annoying?

    my goodness, i thought i was desperate and now i find you guys sitting here oogling a damn game character!!! but still.....i definatly would :cool:
  3. Cleric

    HL2 Theories

    it would be cool to see g-man actually pull an UBER gun out of that case of his and just start owning some scientists himself, maybe he will be the final boss!!!:borg:
  4. Cleric

    Its 15 years since HL1, not 5!

    give that man a medal....
  5. Cleric

    Shell Caseings.!

    that is one thing i would love to see, a game where all the bullet holes, corpses and shell casings stay forever so you can come back and find old battles you have fought...
  6. Cleric

    Front page news

    Damn yanks always get stuff before we do, an go around calling prawns "shrimp" its a totally different animal for gods sake!!!! *living next to an american*
  7. Cleric

    Half Life in Source Engine!!!!!

    that would honestly own!!! although it would take a hell of alot of work....
  8. Cleric


    DEMO!! where, who has it!!! gimmie gimmie gimmie!!!!! :afro:
  9. Cleric

    Did you pre-order yet?

    On they have half life 2 up for pre order at only £26.99 now thats a damn good price if you ask me... it also says this about the specks : Tech Specs Min Specs (but don't expect it to look anything like the screenshots!) PIII 700MHz DX6 - compatible graphics card...
  10. Cleric


    Did anyone else notice that in the video during the fight against the combine where barney is helping you he is dressed in a combine uniform?? Does this mean that he was a spy inside the combine or they are just normal people who chose to fight for them and when barney saw Mr Freeman on the...
  11. Cleric

    Did you pre-order yet?

    you should thak me!! now you might get yourself hold of some extra goodies!!!
  12. Cleric

    Did you pre-order yet?

    oh im gunna wait to see if there is any sort of special ltd edition first...
  13. Cleric

    HL2 Intro ? :o

    nah i bet he was sitting on a beach somewhere with a red phone next to him waiting for the call to get back into action...
  14. Cleric

    HL2 Boxes?

    ohh, i hope there is a limited one with poster and t-shirt in it, that would own...
  15. Cleric

    what do you guys thought when...

    He is gordons long lost brother!!!
  16. Cleric

    Gravity gun meets physics

    do you really care gow it works just so long as you can throw tables into bad guys??
  17. Cleric

    The "What would you do..." game

    become a lesbian... what would you do if you saw a strider looking in your window??
  18. Cleric

    HL2 Weapons

    i think it would be better if you were hardly ever hit but when you were you felt it, as when you see fighting on the news loads of shots are going off and only a very few hit but when they do the person on the other end really feels it...
  19. Cleric

    Half-Life 1 Alpha Nostalia

    i am going to play it again soon when i can find the time.
  20. Cleric

    what will happen in HL3

    no i definatly said "please DONT" but no one ever listens...