Yeah, i had a similiar thoughts about the fuse. And you don't need to comment on the texture. I know it looks like crap. :P
I'm trying to find a good way to render it (the map for the TNT is really huge, but gmax just doesn't want to show it in a hi res format.
I know it doesn't look to good now... I still don't have a dedicated skinner. :-/
What i did was i used lith unwrap to give me a map, and then grabbed some various textures off the internet and plopped them down onto the map template.
If you read the write up for my mod, I talk about using in game objects as weapons (kerosene lamps, powderkegs, etc.). I was hoping to give a high level of interactivity to levels in "The Wild West". For example, if you see lamp, you should be able to pour the kerosene out and set it on fire...
OK so far I have the following:
Private Snafu: Modeller and Mapper
[Hunter]Ridic: Historian, possibly a mapper
Nostradamus: Web Design D00D
AndersJ: Skinner
Just need a coder and that should be it, but hey, we got all summer right? ;)
I was hoping to "keep it real". I might take some liberties in order to improve gameplay, though. So I guess your answer would be Clint Eastwood style.