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  1. 82ross

    Bump Mapping in BugBait=Wow.

    @Brassmonkey How do you know itll be occasional? Did they tell you when you were making the maps? Oh no you had no part in the creation of it so you wouldnt know. Why would they apply them rendering techniques to some tiles and not others? Hmm lets put the good stuff in a corner you will...
  2. 82ross

    Bump Mapping in BugBait=Wow.

    Isnt that specular mapping? Not bumpmapping? Ill look into it again, i forget what all the different types are.
  3. 82ross

    Phukin' check this out!

    It would be pretty stupid to include CS2 or TF2 with HL2 for free. Just expect a pretty cool multiplayer with multiple modes. But dont expect a game with as much put into it as CS2/TF2/DOD2
  4. 82ross

    Special HL2 pre-order deal has a price tag af £27 delivered which i though was pretty good. But also has a release date in november. I thought this was the best deal i was gonna get. Till now :D More and more places are putting the...
  5. 82ross

    half-life 2 demo leaked? (has to be fake)

    Its actually true you can dl it off my ftp along with HL3,Doom4 and Fifa 2010.
  6. 82ross

    I found the easteregg (definately)

    Re: Re: Check this out.... Maybe he means the name isnt reversed on the other side of the box. If thats not it i have no idea wht he means. Disc? Buck? Looking at it again the paint cans inside the box clip out at bit in that pic.
  7. 82ross

    I found the easteregg (definately)

    And for everyone who cant read posts properly. The image posted of the reversed box isnt the initial boxed talked about. This is . . . Save it and open it in a decent paint program to increase the brightness.
  8. 82ross

    I found the easteregg (definately)

    yes it does.
  9. 82ross

    What's the deal with the delay?

    Thats what i said! "No".
  10. 82ross

    What's the deal with the delay?

  11. 82ross

    ATI or nVidia?

    What are you talking about? No-one likes brown bread!
  12. 82ross

    easter egg in the movies?

    The water model is part of the tech demo. Them two vids havent been released as bink yet (FKINHELL VALVE RELEASE EM:P!) Threre are 6 binks out at the min. Whats in the 10 min preview?
  13. 82ross

    easter egg in the movies?

    I really hope noone believes the toilet is an easter egg, it was only a joke :D I personally dont think there is an easter egg the bink videos released so far. And if there is its fkin crap! Then again gabe could prove me wrong.
  14. 82ross

    The Flashlight. How real will it be?

    And anyway Stalker will have a better flashlight than both of them. /me pours some petrol on the flame war fire.
  15. 82ross

    What are you going to do to HL?

    Why do people want CS to die? You can play more than one mod you know. Whats wrong with having the origional cs still going even when something else takes the crown?
  16. 82ross

    easter egg in the movies?

    It got mentioned in older easter egg threads. Generally agreed its not the easter egg gabe mentioned.
  17. 82ross

    easter egg in the movies?

    Ok you read it but you didnt pay any attention to what it said. I made it clear i didnt think it was an easter egg and i made it clear it was complete bollocks. You even said it says feit wet not feet after i already said that. Careful not to step in the bullshit should have pointed out...
  18. 82ross

    easter egg in the movies?

    Did you read any of my post?
  19. 82ross

    easter egg in the movies?

    I know we're badly clutching at straws. I dont think this is the easter egg but what does it say on the white barrel? Looks like FEIT WET* TRANSPORT CONTAINERS EST - - - - Maybe thats cos alyx gets her feet wet at the end of the tunnels scene. Fk knows what it says under R-0050 on...
  20. 82ross

    Tunnels- Thoughts

    There isnt any bump mapping in it at all (old build argument). That pile of crap highlighted in the red box is where the man hack scraped against the back of the bookshelf.