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  1. synth

    Barney and Alyx: Your Artificial Co-op partner

    I think your partners should at least be able to pick up/use healthpacks. there were a few times in HL1 where I'd come across some health that Barney needed more than I did.
  2. synth

    Sawyer (ex-Black Isle) talks modding

    that post is really important - all mod leaders should follow the suggestions if they want their mods to be successful.
  3. synth

    New Car Time :(

    I own a 2004 Civic and I'm really happy with it. Have fun with yours :D
  4. synth

    Congratulations StarMonkey!

    nice work man. good luck and happy times in the future :cheers:
  5. synth

    Are you buying through Steam or Retail?

    I'd prefer retail because I'd get everything that comes in the box.
  6. synth

    Steam Preloading Info from Gabe

    Gabe Newell of Valve Software has posted on the hl2fallout forums about the preloading and bandwidth issues for Steam. See his entire post here.
  7. synth

    Are we all friends here, or what?

    88 on the innervision one; pure luck.
  8. synth

    Exclusive Counter-Strike: Source Media

    The only further discussion will be about these screenshots.
  9. synth

    How often do you use the "1337" language?

    I type normally all the time except for really common things like "lol" and "wtf". I tend to use ascii smilies a lot while chatting though. The only time in real life when I say anything "leet" is when I say "OWNED"
  10. synth

    Exclusive Counter-Strike: Source Media

    this game is going to be such a good upgrade to CS.
  11. synth

    Half-Life 2 - Pre-Load Date

    w00t, seems like HL2 isn't very far off. They'll probably pre-load the game a lot before release though. It's nice to see some stuff happening :)
  12. synth

    Do beta tests ruin the game?

    Betas can ruin the game if you don't like spoilers. You're playing a beta to help the dev team squish bugs and test new stuff out, so it's really helpful to them. To you, if you don't like playing incomplete games, don't play betas.
  13. synth

    A slackers review of D3

    yeah that's pretty much what I think of the game.
  14. synth

    Salad Fingers

    posted before. closed.
  15. synth

    DooM III Leaked... already?

    Nobody else post information about the warez (and wether or not you're downloading it). However as my own opinion, I fully support id software and intend to buy their game when it comes out. I don't like to see good games ruined by pirating, and that's what you guys are doing here. Stop...
  16. synth

    Keep The Doom 3 Threads to a Minimum/Spoiler rules

    Anyone caught posting links to a leak or unauthorized screenshots will be banned. You people can wait until release.
  17. synth

    The Post Your Desktop Thread

  18. synth

    Gamespot's CS: Source preview

    GameSpot has a short essay along with a video preview of the upcoming Counter-Strike: Source. Jess Cliffe and Doug Lombardi are interviewed about what they put into the game and why they expect it will do well. The gameplay looks very impressive - you can check out the entire article and video...
  19. synth

    Favorite D&D character class?

    you don't know?.... It's Dungeons and Dragons, a popular pen-and-paper RPG game.