I was playing again and doing well (16 on the front nine) until my ball got stuck on top of a piece of wood on the 11th hole.. I'd hit it and it'd just bounce around on top of the wood O_o
welcome back omlette, I remember you :)
there's going to be a bunch of HL2 stuff at E3 so just wait for that. If you want some random information, catch up on valve's responses in the info from Valve only thread.
Heh, I've used terragen a lot. Very cool program. I show some pics to my friends and they're like "DID YOU DO THAT?!?!! WTF"
..it's really pretty easy. ;)
Last year I was playing football with my friends and I was about to catch a ball, except it went directly at my fingers, so my fingers got pushed a bit into my hand... It was like how you jam some fingers if you catch something but this was a lot worse. I sprained my knuckles pretty bad and even...