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  1. D.r Gordon Freeman

    Half-Life 2 Recommending an Episode

    for the Ravenholm even i belive it is just giving some excitation to player... for Black Mesa is something like that ! but visiting those old places for limiting a mess...
  2. D.r Gordon Freeman

    Half-Life 2 Recommending an Episode

    Black Mesa is just a remake... It's almost the same with HL1...
  3. D.r Gordon Freeman

    Half-Life 2 Recommending an Episode

    Now when hl2 & its episodes had no black mesa a return to black mesa can return those good memories from the old HL1... I didn't say just Sector C & F , it was just an example... What is the problem with a combine city near the remainings of black mesa facility ?
  4. D.r Gordon Freeman

    Half-Life 2 Recommending an Episode

    I'm thinking about a good episode relative to Half-Life 1 , The name came in my mind was : Half-Life 2 : Return to Black Mesa Which takes place in the remaining parts of the Black mesa facility (I know that the black mesa was entirely destroyed by Mark IV Thermonuclear Device but they can...