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  1. TrueWeltall

    Tfc 2?

    I remember when there were TFC2 screen shots out wayyyyyyyy back when. It looked so cool. Now I dont care fore it because it seems to be a bunch of bull.
  2. TrueWeltall

    Hl2 Elite Costume

    That mask looks like something out of jin Roh lol.
  3. TrueWeltall

    Fragmaster Leaves PHL, Thanks

    Well im not really happy or sad about him leaving since i never visited planethalflife anymore but i will say that hl2 feels like its come and gone and when itcomes out it will not be the great game the hype made it out to be.
  4. TrueWeltall

    We're back.. thank's all

    yay its back
  5. TrueWeltall

    Overriding refresh rates

    Turn off vsync.
  6. TrueWeltall

    ATI to Develop multi-GHz Consumer Processors?

    I want one of those graphics card when it comes out *drool*
  7. TrueWeltall

    Win XP & Server 2003 64-Bit 360 day trial

    Too little information for my taste ;) Im the kinda guy that reads for 3 hours about one thing.
  8. TrueWeltall

    Hyper Threading???

    P3's and up have hyperthreading on them but you cant use it unless you get a P4C :P
  9. TrueWeltall

    White Dots Overheated Card

    Overclocking your ram doesnt have a big gain, one guy even water cooled his ram but didnt see much of a gain for the trouble making the water block etc etc.
  10. TrueWeltall

    AGP Apeture Size???

    Half of your video cards ram iirc.
  11. TrueWeltall

    Intel To Demo 64 Bit Xeon

    You dont need something like that to run halflife 2 with good fps, nice waste of money though if you like to build a system just for gaming. Id wait off to see if the market takes to 64bit fast which i highly doubt. Maybe in a year or two.
  12. TrueWeltall

    My Doom Virus -Kills SCO, Microsoft Next-

    Just dont click on links in your email? I use about 4 hotmail/lycos etc accounts and have yet to get any virus. Just use common sense ;)
  13. TrueWeltall

    Problem with my 9600 XT - PLEAZ HELP

    I use a Shappire 9600XT and use 4.1 CATS with no problem, all you need is the display panel with the drivers and your set. With my S-video I cannot view media like videos unless I set my tvto the main screen, try that? With the audio loop it might be your soundcard? I had an SB liev 5.1 that...
  14. TrueWeltall

    fps locking

    We all do something like that sometimes ;) I keep v-sync on to prevent tearing, im fine with a max of 85FPS at 1024x786
  15. TrueWeltall

    Any Veterans here?

    Now thats saying something.
  16. TrueWeltall

    My HL2 rig

    My rig is P4C 2.4ghz 120bg hd radeon 9600xt antec 3700 with the 120mm fans audigy 2 zs 1gb corsair xms 3200 1 cd burner lite on 1cd rom lite on
  17. TrueWeltall

    So I'm building a new computer (Parts from Newegg)

    Dont bother with 64bit processors until 64 bit programs come out. Waste of money. You'll be fine with anything 2.4 ghz and up, my 9600xt can run everything full detail with 16x af on. (halo, ofp, ofp:r, rvs, gr, hl duhhh, sw:ja) If you want to go low budget get an amd but dont expect the...
  18. TrueWeltall

    So I'm building a new computer (Parts from Newegg)

    Yesterday I got my computer parts from newegg, greatest place ever. I got over night shipping and nothing was damage. They put tons of peanuts into the boxes :) I just got a p4 2.4ghz C, 1gig corsair xms 3200, abit ic7-g, radeon 9600xt, 120gig hd, audigy 2 zs :D
  19. TrueWeltall

    Is my pc great for the HL2?

    This is still going on? What a nice thing to come back too /sarcasm
  20. TrueWeltall

    Do you believe that HL2 will just be another game when it comes out?

    I dont care for hl2 as much since ive seen more then some people. Im probably going to buy tf2 though or just get stalker or a far cry.