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  1. TrueWeltall

    DOOM III admits DX9 is slow on GF-FX Hardware

    This has been posted before and noted by many, take some time to use the search feature next time around.
  2. TrueWeltall

    Im sorry

    You make no sense JC.
  3. TrueWeltall

    Spitcodfry's trip to valve

    Yeah but it is PHL after all. Cool trip, enjoyed the pictures. Hey cool im a Hydra now, didnt see that :cool:
  4. TrueWeltall

    A trip to Valve

    Jeez everyone is here to look at them! There are currently 379 members and 384 guests on the boards.
  5. TrueWeltall

    £100 Worth it?

    See if you can up your fsb to 166 from 133, that would get you 1.8ghz.
  6. TrueWeltall

    RAM, How much is enough?

    Im going with a gig in my new machine, only 204$ corsair xms 2700.
  7. TrueWeltall

    What country are u from ?

    Just because you can smoke pot in your country doesnt make it cool, i can smoke pot in america but that doesnt make it cool.
  8. TrueWeltall

    (OLD NEWS) Pentium 4 Extreme Edition officially announced

    Yes it will replace AGP as the graphics card slot of choice.
  9. TrueWeltall

    Mirrors for new Steam installers

    You listed two dmc's one is dod btw.
  10. TrueWeltall

    What country are u from ?

    You cant own guns in england, well not anything worth having a gun for. Also you have to register your televisions wth is with that?
  11. TrueWeltall

    9800 Pro vs 9800?

    I wouldnt deal with a yahoo store webpage, but thats just me.
  12. TrueWeltall

    Will HL2 run smoothly on my system at high detail ?

    It tells you the min specs so that should tell you something. Also you probably saw the benchmark for halflife 2, 9500 > 9600. Put two and two together.
  13. TrueWeltall

    Will HL2 run smoothly on my system at high detail ?

    There is a sticky, did you read it?
  14. TrueWeltall

    My new computer ...

    Indeed get something besides FX
  15. TrueWeltall

    (OLD NEWS) Pentium 4 Extreme Edition officially announced

    Reminds me of the Althon 64, everyone going nuts over 64bit like HT. Althon 64 will probably cost as much as this thing. Hell an opteron right now is 2k @ newegg.
  16. TrueWeltall

    OT: UT2K3 9-11 Survivor Mod

    I've been here long time too, i think my penis size err post count is near 1k.
  17. TrueWeltall

    OT: UT2K3 9-11 Survivor Mod

    Hey lucky, didnt know you posted here. <- Fenrir51
  18. TrueWeltall

    Applying thermal compound

    Shouldnt be too bad for it. Was the thing green that snapped off?
  19. TrueWeltall

    What country are u from ?

    You sir are an idiot, so when Clinton went to bomb Iraq it was okay for Americans to die in Iraq? Bush > Clinton
  20. TrueWeltall

    Applying thermal compound

    Maybe it was the termal diode(sp?) coming off.