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  1. tesher06

    Battlefield 3

    The game is amazing and all, but something is missing. It just doesn't feel like Battlefield 2. It is like everything is too cluttered or something.
  2. tesher06

    Battlefield 3

    I can only run BF3 on the lowest settings but heard that it looks like the console version. From the BF3 thread on the Facepunch forum someone mentioned that BF3 pc on lowest settings looked better than the console version. Can anyone back that up?
  3. tesher06


    Cardinals fan here too, also the first cardinals picture is amazing, they should use them on the helmets :E.
  4. tesher06

    the makers of Tribes brings you...

    Starcraft meets Borderlands anyone?
  5. tesher06

    XFire bought out again, team laid off.

    I second what Qonfused said.
  6. tesher06 help

    =/ Dam now I have to call Blizzard and constantly wait to get it back -.-.
  7. tesher06 help

    Ok, so I haven't played WoW since last july and I decided to merge my WoW account with the account I just made but it says my WoW account is already merged with a account which doesn't make sence... I haven't logged on in a year and I cancled my account last July. Can...
  8. tesher06

    Battlefield 3 - CONFIRMED

    On the note of BF1943, I can see the game being given for half price or free.
  9. tesher06

    Battlefield 3 - CONFIRMED

    Well.... there goes Battlefield as we know it. =/
  10. tesher06

    Battlefield 3 - CONFIRMED

    Ok... to put it differently, consoles only go up to dx 9 which is what Frostbite 1.5 does... Pc will probably get Frostbite 2 (which has be I think confirmed for BF3) which uses DX11. also, This may be old by quiet a few months but hopefuly it might shine some home on the situation...
  11. tesher06

    Battlefield 3 - CONFIRMED

    Frostbite 2 is primarily developed for DX11. XP & DX9 is _not_ supported, 64-bit OS is recommended. Lots of time to upgrade if you havent! -Johan Andersson "DICE" Via Twitter- the point is that the port might actually be to consoles from PC.
  12. tesher06

    Battlefield 3 - CONFIRMED

    You must not understand much about companies removing pc exclusivity.... When they do that, they tend to port it over to pc, dumb down the pc version, add DLC's we have to pay for, up the price for the pc games, remove dedicated servers, remove pc modding, and so forth....
  13. tesher06

    Battlefield 3 - CONFIRMED

    Well I officially hate Dice/EA for this. Not only do they drop the Pc exlcusivity... "we care about pc gamers my ass.." but they have to compete with MW2... jeez they suck.
  14. tesher06

    WoW still worth playing?

    Hmm I'll see soon enough ^^. Anyone play Haomarush, Thunderlord, or spinebreaker?
  15. tesher06

    WoW still worth playing?

    Haha thats pretty funny considering Cataclysim is also going to upgrade to DX11 and the water in the game is also being updated quiet a bit (I don't like it though). On the note of midnight release... I think I might pass on that considering it's a school year and I only went to the Starcraft 2...
  16. tesher06

    StarCraft II

    Well how much will it be by the end of the week thats the question ^^?
  17. tesher06

    WoW still worth playing?

    So in my case... if I just rejoined within a month, what would be the best course of action to do? I have a level 80 rogue and tons of alts with a few being in the mid 40's. I would rather work on my Rogue though.
  18. tesher06

    WoW still worth playing?

    What are Heirloom items? Will guilds also really bother with me considering I don't have elite gear? Also how big is the change to Azeroth? Will everything be ruined so that quests before the expansion can't be done? Such a hard decision to make. I'll think about it for a month or 2.
  19. tesher06

    WoW still worth playing?

    So where would I be considered in all of this if I don't have any amazing gear, haven't raided, etc... and secondly where will the new quests take place in Cataclysim and will the level 80 raid gear even be good still once 85 or will you need it to level?
  20. tesher06

    WoW still worth playing?

    Ok I just want to hear from people who play WoW and hopefuly not get flamed. I have quiet WoW for a year so far but after playing Starcraft 2 I feel like playing WoW again but I'm not sure if it's worth it. Considering I haven't played in a year means I have no clue what has changed, haven't...