Search results

  1. kazsymonds

    The Unoffical Minecraft server 3.0

    Doesn't mean anyone has to be happy about it. Also, it's not so cut and dried as the normal situation given that people have paid money for the game, but I suppose they paid a smaller amount of money than whatever the end product will be. It's not the fact that broken game is broken, but, as...
  2. kazsymonds

    The Unoffical Minecraft server 3.0

    Thandurin - you won't be able to connect as I'm not updating the server yet. If you want to play you can downgrade your client (at least, I seem to recall that you can). Google is your friend.
  3. kazsymonds

    The Unoffical Minecraft server 3.0

    Its a bad thing. It means the process went like this; 1.6 - Totally broken 1.6.1 - A bit less broken 1.6.2 - Still broken, but not so much 1.6.3 - Slightly less broken again 1.6.4 - ???!?!!!!!??!!! It's not a good thing by any stretch of the imagination. It means the Bukkit devs will get...
  4. kazsymonds

    The Unoffical Minecraft server 3.0

    LOL, you guys are so pro updating. It's been out a few hours and we are already on 1.6.4.
  5. kazsymonds

    The Unoffical Minecraft server 3.0

    Guys, 1.6 has just been released. Please don't update to it yet if you would like to play in the server. I'm not updating the server until it's properly fixed and Bukkit is updated (probably about a week). Minecraft went from 1.6 to 1.6.2 in 30 minutes, no way I'm updating until it settles...
  6. kazsymonds

    The Unoffical Minecraft server 3.0

    I'll be on tonight, probably between 9pm and midnight (GMT). I'll help you if you're on.
  7. kazsymonds

    Worst attack on an Irish airport in history

    The only thing missing is this guy's fat cousin ringing him up all the time wanting to go bowling. Busted!
  8. kazsymonds

    What Do You Think of Low-to-mid-range Graphics Cards?

    That's an interesting perspective you're adding there. In that case, would it be fair to say they would also be overkill if you wanted a bottom of the range card?
  9. kazsymonds

    What Do You Think of Low-to-mid-range Graphics Cards?

    They are easily as good as this piece of string I have is long.
  10. kazsymonds

    The Unoffical Minecraft server 3.0

    Monsters are back on. I've kept creepers off, though. You can find weapons and armour in the supply depot.
  11. kazsymonds

    PSN Down and Out

    Students come to you for financial advice? :S Actually, even somebody taking credit and paying it back in your name is a still a very bad thing. One of the things lenders look at is how much you can already borrow (e.g how many cards you have) as well as things like how you utilise your credit...
  12. kazsymonds

    The Unoffical Minecraft server 3.0

    It's all working dude, just go to the supply depot (/warp supply). You will see signs saying [supply]<itemname>. Just right click them and fill your boots. I try to come on once a day, but I have just started a new job and it's a lot of work. I haven't got bored or abandoned the server...
  13. kazsymonds

    The Unoffical Minecraft server 3.0

    Anyone know "Dutchottie"? They keep trying to connect to the server. If you're on here dude, you need to be whitelisted before you can join the server.
  14. kazsymonds

    Osama bin Laden is dead

    Thinking about it, I bet there was a queue for being the guy to shoot him. I reckon you'd teabag the body a few times too, you know, on behalf of humanity and all. EDIT: Wow, that Fox news thing is crazy and the 'Fair and Balanced' in their logo is hilarious. On the plus side, all of...
  15. kazsymonds

    PSN Down and Out

    The funny thing about this is, I have heard a rumor that the person just walked in to sony, sat at a terminal and got the information. I'm not sure how true that is, but it's ****ing hilarious if it is.
  16. kazsymonds

    Osama bin Laden is dead

    Finding 5 body doubles with the same DNA as you might be a bit of a stretch...
  17. kazsymonds

    Which year did you join the forums?

    07 was a golden year. Ep 2, Portal, TF2. It was all going on.
  18. kazsymonds

    The Unoffical Minecraft server 3.0

    Added Multiva and ZT. Have fun.