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  1. synth

    the latest from Fragmaster

    I'm not closing this thread, you're not "bashing" us. I don't know which paragraph you're referring to (Munro's statement or Fragmaster's). Fragmaster just got annoyed that Munro said the game will come out this year. I'll admit Valve doesn't have the best track record for releasing games...
  2. synth

    the worst/best trade in nfl history?

    that's a great trade. but maybe I like it because I'm a pats fan :thumbs: New England management really knows what they're doing... they get themselves into positions where they have strong backup players and good draft picks (6 in the first 4 rounds, it used to be 7 until they got Dillon)! :D
  3. synth

    Make some rpgs damn you

    I agree with hiln, but I'm not quite as desperate. It'd be nice to see some good single-player RPG games, and I think a couple of teams are working on them. Valve has certainly made it more feasible, by giving us character expressions, physics, etc.
  4. synth

    hightlight party 2k4

    You just got owned by synth. Have a nice day. closed. :)
  5. synth

    The War of Infamy

    so this is basically Call of Duty or Battlefield 1942 plus a few things? Those were entire games in themselves, so good luck with this one, heh. There are a lot of WWII games and mods already, I'm not really looking forward to more unless it offers something revolutionary. dream all you want...
  6. synth

    "coolsearch" problem sorted (i hope)

    if you're talking about having your homepage reset to some random website all the time, you can just change it in IE's preferences. If it keeps doing it, then check for spyware by using Ad-Aware or a similar program.
  7. synth

    Final box art design

    Keep on topic please.
  8. synth

    The Matrix Scrubber!!! even cleans the blood up from the table!
  9. synth

    Beautiful Women Thread

    ROFLMFAO that's great :laugh:
  10. synth

    Beautiful Women Thread

    Just a reminder to keep things clean, please. If you don't like "objectifying" women, then don't look at this thread.
  11. synth

    Final box art design

    Vivendi owns Sierra, and Sierra is the publisher, so Vivendi is just the bigger group. It's still involved.
  12. synth

    how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuch could chuck wood?

    heh, what's this? :p Looks like a senseless topic. -=closed=-
  13. synth

    Final box art design

    Half-Life 2's publisher, Sierra, has revealed what is apparently the final box cover for the game on their information page. It is still unclear whether they are planning to use the similar box covers of Alyx and the G-Man shown at last years E3 expo though.
  14. synth

    Classic IRC Moments

    (@Munro) hes got an obsession with black dildos (@synth) yeah :/ (@Majestic_XII) who hasnt? ----------------------------- (@synth|afk) OMGWTFBBQ (@synth|afk) xD (@synth|afk) (@synth|afk) df?.as? (@synth|afk) dfl; (@synth|afk) asd?fl;as ! @synth|afk...
  15. synth

    Strangest thing I have seen on the internet yet

    lol, say "kick the camera"
  16. synth

    Hot Damn, I got invited to visit Valve!

    get a plane ticket if you have any money :o If you don't have money, start begging on the streets and hold up a sign that says "Will work for Valve trip"
  17. synth

    To or not to [btw, IM BACK BOYZ!!!]

    I would only kill him because it'd prevent the two superpowers after WWII. Countries would be more balanced in power without being destroyed in the war, and one individually wouldn't be a big threat.
  18. synth

    Half Life 2 – RPG Conversion – A Homeric Epic

    sounds really interesting... the ancient Greek hero theme hasn't really been done before. I might be working on an RPG mod too (although set in the middle ages). This sounds promising, I'd love to see more about it :)
  19. synth

    My very first Weapon model

    did you skin those yourself? they look very nice.
  20. synth

    Best Game you've ever played?

    Half-Life and Starcraft because they're the only two games I really got addicted to.