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  1. Zerox

    Terminator 2 Alternate Ending

    I got the Reg1 Terminator 2: Ultimate Edition DVD which got both the Theatrical and Special Edition version of the movie on it. I also got the Terminator 2: Extreme DVD.
  2. Zerox

    What movie villian are you?

    This is me.
  3. Zerox

    Chronicles of Riddick for PC!!!

    Sounds great.
  4. Zerox

    The Godfather Is Dead

    Rest In Peace
  5. Zerox

    DOOM 3's box?

    Hopefully it will because I have ones holidays in August.
  6. Zerox

    DOOM 3's box?

    These are the only ones I've found so far... might not be the final artwork tho. Doom 3 Doom 3 - Limited Deluxe Edition
  7. Zerox

    We Are In The Final!!!!

    How can we be worse since we played 0-0 against you? Not a single goal from both teams under 120 minutes. You only won the penaltys because Zlatan missed his shot. So your comment means nothing.
  8. Zerox

    Half-Life: Nightwatch

    The leader of the mod got himself a job at Raven Software.
  9. Zerox

    We Are In The Final!!!!

    Czech republic will win over Greece with ease.
  10. Zerox

    We Are In The Final!!!!

    I am happy as hell... way to go Portugal. Portugal played much better then Holland. Holland ain't as good as they think they are.
  11. Zerox

    Mega Man Anniversary Collection

    Still waiting for this collection to be available in Europe.
  12. Zerox

    [Euro 2004] The Netherlands - Sweden predictions

    Damn you Zlatan!
  13. Zerox

    Thank-you Valve!

    Thanks to everybody at Valve for making high-quality games.
  14. Zerox

    anime fans......i need your help

    Silverfang :D
  15. Zerox

    Am I the only one whose "iffy" about STALKER?

    One thing in the game that I like is that you can choose to play on the day or nigh due to the day- nighcycle.
  16. Zerox

    Sweden vs Denmark

    YES WE MADE IT!! How ironic... bye bye Italia. Btw, It's the 4th or 5th time we play 2-2 against Denmark in a tournament like this one.
  17. Zerox

    Sweden vs Denmark

    Of course Sweden wins this match.
  18. Zerox

    Svensk sida..

    Excuse me but... fyfan vilket MÅÅÅL!
  19. Zerox

    Holy Crap New Enemy Discovered!!!

    This one made me laugh.. great job.
  20. Zerox

    The Last Exile...

    Im currently buying the whole show on DVD. It's a very good anime with great characters and nice animation. Very recommended! Scroll down this page and read the summary. Im buying alot of anime on dvd.