The concept is very, very simple; a team defends, while another team attacks. But how these two teams work is what really makes the mod special. Below is a light description of what I'm talking about:
Team A: Defenders (insert some cool name here)
Goal: Defend a zone using a wide array of...
Looking to work on a project that is in need of a soundtrack or level-specific ambiance. I do everything from horror and romance to suspense and action.
Visit my youtube channel for a few samples. I just started it today, so there isn't awhole lot at the moment, but I'm presently uploading...
Anyone remember this project? One of the first announced for Half-Life 2. I was thinking of getting it going again. If anyone remembers it, please get in contact with me.
I'm sitting here with a shitload of papers all based on a world I created while Half-Life 2 was on the verge of release. Hostile Freedom, one of the first projects in Half-Life 2's modding community, rests in my lap. It died out because I had some events in the real world that hindered me from...
I'm calling out to potential mod-makers who are looking to start fresh and begin a project from scratch. Everything from the design, concept and presentation of the project will all be discussed. Any and all ideas are welcome.
I was thinking about how cool it would be to have Killzone built...
Commando Toys is a next generation online platform game, featuring militay-based characters in a colorful world. Using state of the art technology, Commando Toys enables players to enter a cartoon like environment to wage war with other players. With a heavy emphasis on action and use of...
Hahah, I just got accepted to participate in the Lineage II beta test. I'm so excited because I love Lineage and adored Lineage II's presentation. Is anyone stoked about this game as much as I' am? Or am I a pathetic goon that should be shot? :p
Is there anyone out there, hello, who is anticipating the release of Namco's, Breakdown?
"What's that supposed to mean? I don't know you!"
I personally think this game will bring something truly unique to video games.
Metroid Prime. Well I completed the game the other day and I must say WOW! Retro Studio's just got a new fan. I love their work and will support all of their games in the future. I only just got my Gamecube a few months ago and didn't buy any games until last month. Everything about that game...
Here is a render of our Titan Anti-armor weapon which will be used by the Stygian forces to combat the Opanara's heavy vehicles and defenses.
Initially I planned for this to be used as an attachment on a heavy-suited Stygian, however, as time went on I realized it was too much steel and the...
I have included three conceptual drawings for possible character designs that may or may not make it into Hostile Freedom. Stay tuned as we continue to use this incredible feature provided by the Halflife2.NET staff.
Hammerstein prisoner
Hammerstein prisoner #2
Opanara Marine unit
Hostile Freedom seeks a mature and reliable 3D artist to join our crew of 8. If you are interested and would like more information please contact us through our forums or me directly at: [email protected]
Thanks for your time
Here is the Spitfire 7.62mm WIP render for Hostile Freedom. I haven't really posted anything yet, so I will start by posting this image:
I was expermenting with clip placement and I just realized I left it in the wrong spot for this render. So please excuse that minor problem. A new...
Hostile Freedom seeks military personnel to help develop a tactical database for our game. This job requires you to work closely with our animators and the designers to help create realistic tactical behaviours for our game characters. You will help the designers create proper hand signals and...
Mod Concepts
3D Fighting: A fusion of blood, flesh and sweat; Source takes networked fighting to a whole new level with statistic tracking, character advancement, sophisticated animations, next generation visuals and mind bending sound!
Mountain climbing: Never as a mountain looked so good...
I' am here to announce a new game, mod rather, being made using Source Technology developed by Valve Software. Hostile Freedom is a game taking place in the Hammerstein Universe, an epic tale in a criminally charged setting of guerilla warfare under brutal and extreme conditions. Players assume...