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  1. KiNG

    GDC 05 | Unreal Engine 3 Impressions

    well iv looked on the first page and didnt see anything so ill go ahead. 4 new vids with 3 of them showing new footage and the first a different look at the first demo showed last year. and speaks about what they have seen. Titled "If...
  2. KiNG

    Doom Movie Update

    Just saw this on, looks pretty cool if they do it right. i really like the part about the first person perspective. i could definitely see potential there original source -
  3. KiNG

    The Incredibles

    i saw this movie last night and it was one of if not the best cgi movies ever. has anyone seen this? i loved it. its basicly for all ages.
  4. KiNG

    U.S. to take control of space :)

    heh looks like we own space as well as the world :P just a step towards it anyway.
  5. KiNG

    What is the roadmap for Nvidia and ATi?

    im curious, what are ati and nvidia cooking up for thier next generation of cards and when they will come out? provide links if you wouldnt mind. im looking myself and currently reading im just wondering if someone could cut it short and sweet.
  6. KiNG

    System Memory (1gb sticks)

    i recently was buying memory for a friend and i i noticed 1gb sticks of memory. funny thing was i didnt see any customer reviews or anything. so naturally im curious if there is anything bad or slow or whatever about these things or is it just better to have 2 512 sticks for the dual config...
  7. KiNG

    Tribes Vengeance Beta Signups

    "Over at the official Tribes: Vengeance website you can now sign up for a closed beta test of the game which is due to start on June 14. The beta will start with a very limited group of people, but it will expand weekly until the general public partakes later this summer. Tribes: Vengeance will...
  8. KiNG

    New D3 E3 Video.

    New D3 Interview and Croteam update. this is an edited thread. here is a d3 interview and the new croteam update for serious sam 2 just trying to make soemthing out of nothing.
  9. KiNG

    VUGames gives teaser image for unnanounced Monolith game

    i saw this image and was immediately excited. iv seen two artilces about this game to be announced at e3. both quoted VUGames "This project might be described as The Matrix meets The Ring, an intense close-quarters combat experience with rich atmosphere and an engaging story presented entirely...
  10. KiNG


    im in the market for a moniter 19"-22" and iv looked at a lot of potiental ones but im just not sure how good they really are compared to each other. i dont want to spend $600US and finds out i could have spent $450US on a better one for one less inch. i would like to see a few sites that review...
  11. KiNG

    XM8 Videos

    im sure most of you know about the xm-8, the wep to replace the m4/m16. i rediscovered the site and on it i found recent(2004) videos that displayed more of the gun in action and described more about it. its a good watch especially if you havent seen the wep in action...
  12. KiNG

    Hitman Contracts Demo

    new hitman contracts demo, thought u guys should know for a list of download sites go to
  13. KiNG

    ATi's 2004 R420 and R423 Specs.

    looks like they will be kicking up the notch again. i wonder what nvidia is cookin up. i have a 9800 pro 128 so im not lookin to upgrade for another year, but i kinda wish i held off a lil.
  14. KiNG

    Painkiller SP Demo next week.

    on the painkiller website there is news of a sp dmeo next week and a mp demo soon to follow afterwards. "Toronto, Canada, February 12th, 2004. DreamCatcher Games has today confirmed that the long-awaited demo of its first-person shooter, Painkiller, will be...
  15. KiNG

    Mozilla Firefox 0.8 is out.

    yes its gone through yet another name change, so far i love it. now more problems with certain files and its seems faster(might be physcological). anywho all those firbird users can now upgrade to firefox 0.8 if they so wish.
  16. KiNG

    Nice Tribes: Vengeance movie.

    something i found and enjoyed. it really got me hyped for T:V again. note: its kinda slow in the begining or at some points but keep watching its very good. 2ndnote: its over an hour, so at the points where they are talking mostly u could just browse the internet as to not get bored if your...
  17. KiNG

    New interveiw with Rick Ellis on Blue Wolf 72 forums. i liked it. just hope im not reposting wut someone already has.
  18. KiNG

    Steam temporary timeout

    ok whenever i laugh steam i have to wait bout a min til i can actually join a server or view info from a server. same thing happens when i disconnect from a server, i have to wait about a minute before i can see server info or join another server. anyone ever have this problem? i would certainly...
  19. KiNG

    Your X-mas list?

    when i was younger it was easier to know what i wanted because they were all toys. well so far iv got: -shirts-let my sis pick em out(shes 25 and knows how to dress men) -DVD writer for my comp -Band of Brothers DVD set. -blanks CD's and DVDs ...i think i want more but im just not seeing it...
  20. KiNG

    What is DesktopX?

    hi i was looking for cool backrounds for my desktop and iv seen numerous things for desktopx. i was wondering what this is and any good info someone could give me about it(is it good? bad? free? user friendly? highly customizeable? and more good info u think would be helpful or that i...