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  1. Peks

    Cheapest place for Half-life 1

    I decided to go with the Steam package, but I want my hl1/cs1/dod1 on a different steam account than cs:s/dod:s/hl2. So I'm looking for the cheapest online retailer who sells hl1. EB and gamestop only sell the game of the year edition at $20. Anyone know of any online retailers who sell if...
  2. Peks

    Accessing CS:S through Steam

    Will you have to pre-pay for a hl2 steam package to be able to access cs:s or will it just pop up in the games list?
  3. Peks

    OMG Silver or CE?

    I want DoD:S horribly bad but having to download everything off Steam will suck...that DvD will sure come in handy. I guess it all depends on if DoD:S will be cheap to non-steam buyers.
  4. Peks

    Will HLDM be included in the HL:S facelift?

    That wouldn't be too bad.
  5. Peks

    New Steam accounts?

    We we have to make new Steam accounts since HL2 will have it's own serials? This would apply only for multiplayer games like CS:S.
  6. Peks

    Where are the hit animations?

    Has there been any word on hit animations?
  7. Peks

    Come here if you're having problems downloading media.

    No status showing in your steam? New media isn't downloading for you? Fear not...because it really is. I think there is a bug which takes away the status bar, jus wait a while and it will automatically play. The bink movie is then stored locally in your: C:\Program...
  8. Peks

    movies released

  9. Peks

    media release at 7 PM EASTERN
  10. Peks

    uh oh in the sewer/flying buzzsaw scene.

    when you FIRST see the flying buzzsaws, the first one cuts down a plank of wood leaning against the wall. the saw hits the upper part of the plank, yet it breaks in the middle. i know we talked about the whole breakpoint jazz. hell it could be "mess-up" between demo and movie. i dont know...
  11. Peks

    Regarding Red Faction's deformable environments.

    They are cool...for about 5 minutes. I'm glag HL2 won't have them, they lead to too many exploits and imagine people in multiplayer games just seeing how far they can get through the map or whatnot. Plus, you need structure to the level to make fun and challenging. What are everyone's...
  12. Peks

    I dunno about you, but i want to see barney to kick some ass...

    he didnt do enough ass kicking in HL1.
  13. Peks

    really the only thing after the source engine is...

    to make realistic clothes and hair...but after that, aside from better textures theres really nothing else to make out of a game engine. its simulated all in source. can you think of anything else that could come next?
  14. Peks

    havok video of possible HL2 effects. shows hit reactions and cool death sequences as well as pain skins. oh and btw, that isnt HL2, its poor graphics are only there to compliment the advanced physics of the havok engine.
  15. Peks

    Ant Lions in multiplayer?

    In the demos we saw them come from holes, windows, and roofs but where will they come from the rest of the time? just appear?
  16. Peks

    tongue of barnacle in jail scene?

    right as the jail scene with the ant lions begins, gordon walks past a staircase. is that the rope thingie of the air barnacle hanging down the stairs? that scene starts around 13:40
  17. Peks

    impacts from bullets on players/enemy

    i swear i see em on the combine soldier at the scene where he closes the door and pushes the table in front and all. the soldier that is down the stairs when he first projects the barrel seems to react to bullets from the pistol. but then the zombie doesnt react from bullets later on...
  18. Peks

    the hover ships are organic

    their "fins" bend, wave, and move at the end of the sequence where he shoots the rocket at him on the road. as the ship closes in over the cars you can clearly see the arms move. dont know if this has been posted or not but if it has i dont give a rats ass. edit: also the nose of...