Hey guys, havent posted in forever, just been lurking around these parts the past few months. Anyways, straight to the point. I recently removed my 9800 Pro from my rig for an x850xtpe. I played a lot of new games with utter shock and awe at the amazing preformance. However, The source engine...
Episodes is a mod that will actually consist of many mods from different points of view throughout the Half-Life timeline. Action will start shortly Before the Black Mesa incident and (is planned to) end at the fall of the Citadel. Each Episode will have an emphasis on important parts of the...
The mod started on these very forums is growing and needs your help! The mod currently needs people who have experience skinning models, and or mapping. If you want to learn more visit our site below or PM me. Should you be interested e-mail me at [email protected]
-SnowBall: Episodes...
I was just watching the new Bink trailer for half-life 2 and I noticed during a scene where the combine was shooting at Gordon, their bullets were going through the wall. its during the dry ocean floor scene where a combine throws a grenade at Gordon, and he picks it up and throws it back at the...
I havent been feeling very good lately, and in an attempt to vent some of my feelings, I sketched this out. It helped some, but if the feelings remain, I think I'll have to color it. :D
Once again its from Full Metal Alchemist.
Well suddenly felt inspired today to do some pencil work, and since I've been watching Full Metal Alchemist lately and have been highly enjoying it, I decided to draw the main character, Edward Elric. Soon that pencil work went digital (as does most of my pencil stuff anyways) and this was the...
Decided to practice with my wacom and do some black and white aret. Did it in about 15 min and I'm rather happy with the result. Just a black mesa security guard. Inspired by the "Shift Change" fan fic.
I remember in the good ol days, entering that command in the Half-Life console would supply you with decent, dynamic shadows for characters. In one patch later on the command was removed, and its not in steam either. I heard it was removed due to preformance issues. Anyways, you would figure...
Well after about a months work, I've finally completed my picture of Gordon and his Dunebuggy.
I would just like to start off by dedicated this picture to Valve for the wonderful relations with the community, and especially for their amazing commitment to games.
The lighting was exaggerated...
I already tried searching for a thread on this but couldnt find one. My appologies if one has been posted like this. I was wondering what you think the the most reliable and cheapest online retailer for pc hardware? I've already been looking into Newegg a lot, but wanted to know if there were...
Notice a theme? Trying to get into a Neon genesis mod currently ;)
Oh yeah and expect to see an anime Gordon Freeman soon that I'm doing for a compitition.
I feel kinda silly that it only took me 5 days to post this, but just the other day (Monday) in the mail I recieved my first gas airsoft gun. My precious is a lil KWA/KSC Glock 19. This thing is about an inch or so shorter than a Beretta M9, but man does it pack a punch. Bout 315-350 FPS with...
Well, after about 20 minutes of work, here is the result. A portrait of Gordon, this is just the outline, so figurign I stay with this and finish it there will be a full colored one.