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  1. Direwolf

    Keep It Clean

    Bungie just released this vid: Early guesses are at some kind of Halo expansion pack, but it's damn mysterious.
  2. Direwolf

    Two Guys, Two Beards, Two Suits, Two Thousand MPH On Skateboards

    This video is both beautiful, and amazing. Might want to skip the first few minutes to the beginning of the run, but it's worth it.
  3. Direwolf

    When We Left Earth

    Anybody else watching this? The footage they've gotten and the way they tell the story of the American side of the space race is absolutely extraordinary. This isn't just another documentary on the subject, this is quite an amazing bit of work. The subtitle (The Nasa Missions) seems like it...
  4. Direwolf

    Venture Bros. Season 3

    Season 3 of Venture Bros. hits tonight at 10:30 Eastern time I believe, or can be watched now on Adult Swim's sight in all its compressed glory. From all reports it looks awesome and I'm psyched. From Comic-Con, a few edited together preview clips: A...
  5. Direwolf

    World's Worst Infomercial: Laser Piano Edition

    First thing's first: (be sure to watch the whole thing, its just gets worse and worse) Now doesn't that just scream buy me? It's gotta be the world's first instrument designed for the lazy and easily amused. :dork:
  6. Direwolf

    Calling All (Burnout) Cars

    I've been putting some serious time recently into Burnout: Paradise's online mode on my Xbox, and been having a lot of fun doing it. The problem is that playing with random people can be really hit or miss, and when its a miss its headache-inducing. So I thought I'd make a thread and see if...
  7. Direwolf

    Battlefield Heroes

    So...uh...yeah, consider me VERY intrigued. Doesn't seem like much has been revealed yet, we'll have to wait for that cover story to hit.
  8. Direwolf

    1up Yours and the 1up Show

    Anyone else watch and listen to these religiously? They're both podcasts from 1up/EGM, with the 1up Show being their weekly TV show thats usually around forty minutes long, while 1up Yours is an audio podcast that usually clocks in at around two hours. They're both one of my biggest sources...
  9. Direwolf

    An Oreilly Request

    (Yes I typoed the title....and I feel stupid. :D) I've wandered into the politics forum in the interest of seeing if anyone can give me a little help in a debate I've currently got running. Anyone who has watched The O'Reilly Factor is aware of O'Reilly's claim to the fact that he will...
  10. Direwolf

    Futurama Is Go! (Again. Really this time.)
  11. Direwolf

    Armored Theory News on the Armored Theory: It takes place, of all places, in the US. Expect to be using Warthogs to blast the hell out of suburban neighborhoods if the screenshots are anything to go by. Its...
  12. Direwolf

    What Should Be Jackson's Next?

    Well with Peter Jackson's King Kong out on DVD now, what would be your ideal project for him to tackle next. While he's producing the Halo movie, I think we can assume he hasn't hung up his directing hat. This is meant to be total fantasy, so just throw out whatever you think would be a good...
  13. Direwolf

    Futurama is Go!
  14. Direwolf

    Sly 3

    Finished the last installment in this series today. Very, very good game, and appropriate for all ages to boot. May look shallow on the surface, but has deeper gameplay than most platformers coupled with an engaging story and great characters. Anyone who's stuck with these characters this...
  15. Direwolf

    Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

    Trailer's out for the new movie and its looking good: Its got Cthulhu and the Deep Ones in it. Really. :D
  16. Direwolf

    My Name is Earl

    Anyone else picked up on this series yet? Its about a guy who lives smack dab in the middle of redneck central, and has been a bastard his whole life. In the parking lot of a 7-11 one day he discovers he has a scratch-card worth a $100,000. Of course, he's promptly hit by a car and has the...
  17. Direwolf

    A Sound of Thunder Hilarity

    The movie version of A Sound of Thunder has come out, and the reviews are absolutely hilariously bad. :D I've really gotta see this. "A Nifty Sci-fi Yarn Gone Terribly Wrong With Bizarre Technical Guffaws." "As Ryer (Burns)...says, 'We have...
  18. Direwolf

    Nintendo vs. Everyone

    Spotted this posted over at the PA forums:
  19. Direwolf

    Brain-injured fireman breaks 10-year silence Wow, quite the extraordinary thing. :)
  20. Direwolf

    Star Wars Gets Two TV Shows

    Huge news in the Star Wars community! One of those has got to be something good, and I'm really anxious to see what they've got up their sleeve.