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  1. kaf11


    10 days. Who else is excited?
  2. kaf11


    I was finally able to get a hold of this film. I really enjoyed it. Set in a small town it depicts the coincidences which revolve around the time 11:14. Each vignette centers around a single character and by the end of the film the viewer finally understands the whole picture. Its dark humor and...
  3. kaf11

    US 'selected' Iraq intelligence

    "A former CIA official has accused the Bush administration of "cherry-picking" its intelligence on Iraq before the 2003 invasion." This is something many of us believe, but now a senior official has come out to criticize the Bush administrations use of intelligence. This is a very serious...
  4. kaf11

    CD-W refuses to stay closed

    A few weeks ago my cd-w drive stopped recognizing all disks (both audio/media and blanks for writing) and will not stay inside the computer. Whether a disk is inserted or not when I push the button to close it, it goes in for a few seconds and then opens back up. It worked perfectly until this...
  5. kaf11

    Audio program help

    I need some help locating an audio program which will allow me to clip the first 60 seconds of a song and save that first minute as a track. Know anything that would do this quickly and is easy to download? I need it sometime within the next few hours, so your help is appreciated.
  6. kaf11

    U.S. signaling end to rebuilding Iraq "The Bush administration does not intend to seek any new funds for Iraq reconstruction in the budget request going before Congress in February, officials say. "The U.S. never intended to completely rebuild Iraq," Brig. Gen. William McCoy, the...
  7. kaf11

    helping a stranger

    So as some of you know, I live in a somewhat large city. On a daily basis, I'm approached by people asking me for spare change. I'm sure many of you get this as well. I always hear from people, including the Salvation Army, that you should never give them anything. I always feel aweful about it...
  8. kaf11

    Land Of The Dead Premiere

    Hey everyone, just got back from the U.S. premiere of the latest film by George A. Romero, "Land of the Dead." They held the showing at the historical Byham Theater in downtown Pittsbugh, where the film is set. It was very surreal to see a movie such as this set in the city where you live. For...
  9. kaf11

    US survey: magnetic ribbons

    I want to find out how widespread these things are and if you hate them as much as I do. What I'm talking about (for our non-U.S. forum members who may be unaware of this problem) are these little ultra-patriotic magnetic ribbons people slap all over their vehicles. Theyre usually red white and...
  10. kaf11

    Door texture problems

    Sorry for asking about what I think is a simple problem, but every time I make a door frame (56X112) and an inner part (48X108) and I assign it a texture it never fits properly. when I test it I use the dev orange texture and it always fits in a strange off center manner. ive tried hitting "fit"...
  11. kaf11

    hardrive problem

    ok my secondary hardrive doesnt show up anymore...i opened up my computer the other day i mightove bumber something....after checking to see that the cords are all in place is there anything i can do?
  12. kaf11

    Cheating and relationships

    Just glanced through the other recent polls and thought this one would be interesting.
  13. kaf11

    loging out?

    how can i log this accout out i have no idea where to look!
  14. kaf11

    Plz Help

    ok in my bios it sows that i have 4x agp currently, but in mt smartgart settings it shows that that it is off, if its set in bios does that mean i have 4x agp running and i shouldnt worry?
  15. kaf11

    quick thing bout 9800 pro

    i jsut got my msi rx9800 pro and was wondering how do i flash it up to a 9800xt?? one more thing iu bought a vantec fan card to help cool the 9800 so i was thinking aobut ocing it. before i do it i want to know how safe it..thanks
  16. kaf11

    8x agp

    how much faster is a 8x agp slot over a 4x agp slot?
  17. kaf11

    power supply question

    im about to order a new video card (msi rx9800 pro) and i have a power supply of 250 watts should i get a better power supply but also wanna save money, is this a good power supply? and one more thing, i...
  18. kaf11

    Yahoo G.D. HL2 preview

    my gf just saw this on yahoos frontpage: skimmed through it, and im downloading their "trainstation level" bink. ill tell you how it is once its done. edit: full trainstation bink, high quality: you...
  19. kaf11

    ati 9800 pro by powercolor?

    i was just at and found this. i want to get an ati 9800 pro for half-life 2, and ive been waiting for the price to go down. this is the lowest price ive seen, but i dont trust it not being an ati card. does anyone have any info on this company and if the card would be as good as...
  20. kaf11

    new to moding

    my friend and i have been talking about how much we want to make a game for so long, we recently decided we should try. were both dying to play HL2, so the source engine is the obvious choice for us to use for our mod. we have plenty of ideas, the only thing we lack is the technical know how...