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  1. M

    Morbid thread of the day, sorry

    A few months back a lad with cancer or a tumour posted on here in a thread about delays because previous delays were stretching the game release beyond the time he thought he had left. I can't remember his name and I know it's pretty off topic but I was just wondering how he was. Anyone know?
  2. M

    Player models

    Firstly can I just say now that I know it's pre-beta footage we've seen so far, i know the arm length and posture is going to be worked on and I know it's all subject to change but..... Does anyone else think the CT model we have seen so far looks more like a scuba diver than a counter terrorist?
  3. M

    Maps, cs:source and cz

    I know there isn't much evidence to go on here but.... Condition Zero's aztec map has the same towers in the skybox above the bombsite that they plant on in the cs:source in the video and also the barrels etc are in the same place and the new shaped water as well. Pure conjecture I know...
  4. M

    Vs threads

    Hl2 v doom3 v stalker v one man and his dog Can people try to keep it sensible and not spam the forum with them (this from the man who just posted this pointless post) There's going to be thousands of them springing up again now E3 is here again and I don't want to start them but...
  5. M

    General Opinion

    Sorry in advance for the lengthy post. I hate forum polls as much as anyone so I'm going to try not to turn this into one but I've got a few thoughts on valve, hl2, steam, etc and I'm interested to see what other people think. I know this question/post is not just related to HL2 but also...
  6. M

    Simple question

    Why? I personally don't think it was my***. Whoever has done this has evaded some security and timed their hacking well and pulled off quite a coup to get the code to one of the most anticipated games ever. I Just want to know why do it? For financial gain? No - you'll get sued into...
  7. M

    I've just realised something

    Feel free to delete this thread, it's more of a personal musing than anything of any substance. I just realised that over the months of watching videos and looking at screen shots and checking these forums every 84 seconds I havn't actually once thought about playing the game. My...
  8. M

    More steam servers?

    May be old news, sorry if it is. Notice how the top servers are numbered up to 10 and then the ones which never fill, who are named after ISP's are named from 26 onwards. I saw somone say that they thought the isp named ones only work for people...
  9. M

    Steam thoughts

    Now that the bandwidth problem seems to be subsiding and players are getting games working (I know some of you still have problems) I thought I'd just post a couple of thoughts. Steam is actually a good piece of software and I quite like CS 1.6. However I do have a couple of gripes. The...
  10. M

    2 new hl tech vids released from ECTS

    Sorry if this has been posted already this morning. I'm still downloading them so not sure what's in them but has 2 new tech vids from ECTS. I think they're shaky cams of a screen but any media is good media.
  11. M

    Multiplayer, cs:cz, ritual general confusion

    Feel free to ignore this post it's just me rambling and speculating. Firstly a few "facts". Staff at ritual entertainment, who are making counter strike condition zero, have stated that they have finished it and that whatever happens to the game now is out of their hands. Steam has...