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  1. XJR

    Combine Overworld Contact Code

    Alright so I just re-started playing Episode 2 again for the millionth time and I noticed something that could hold some significance? Right at the beginning when you first hear from Magnusson on the monitor in that little shack with the gnome, he mentions that Mossman was hoping to retrieve...
  2. XJR

    Gnome Chompski shows up.. in Battlefield 3

    Anyone seen this yet?
  3. XJR

    Half-Life. A Bedtime Story.

    It's all about the technology. Gather round children and I will tell you a little story. The sun is rising on a brand new day, and the combine are pissed off. The combine are like "Sheet mangs, we need local teleport tech." They could be so much more efficiant! So they go and call up one of...
  4. XJR

    Assassin mod - need some help!

    MAN I havent been here for at least a year! Right I'll get to the point. Im starting a mod where you play as the combine assassin. I need : coders, mappers, modelers, animators, Perhaps some help with planning, and if things do kick off we'd need someone to create a website for...
  5. XJR

    in need of coder

    we need a coder for our mod if you are interested please: Email me or PM me post in the forums on the site :naughty:
  6. XJR

    Invasion Mod

    "Half-Life 2: Invasion" is a single player modification for Half-Life 2. It tells the story of five different events in the eyes of civilians during the invasion of earth by the combine. The mods website is here: We need help with this mod! Go here ...
  7. XJR

    The HUD?

    how can i make the hud , weapon models and crosshair dissapear? :rolleyes:
  8. XJR

    hl2:DM teamplay

    when i map for hl2: DM how do i make certain teams spawn at certain places? for instance i want the combine to spawn at one side of the map and the rebels to spawn at the other side plz help!!
  9. XJR

    Jd Mod For Hl2

    Hey there im xjr and im working on a mod for hl2 called JD have a see for yourselfs :naughty:
  10. XJR

    E3 europe?

    will there be an E3 in europe? if so where will it be and when :|
  11. XJR

    HL2 has kind of changed...

    Has anyone else noticed how the recent hl2 pictures look different to the ones taken a while ago? For instance in the teaser trailer alyx was wearing a totally different outfit....and how different the combine soldier looked when we was impaled by the hydra? Looks like Valve actually are...
  12. XJR

    Anyone know about this??

    When your in the test chamber about to push the crystal into the beam if you wait a few seconds you hear a voice say "what is he doing in there?" Do any of you know who that was because i bin wunderin dat eva since i herd it :bounce:
  13. XJR

    Half-life 2 soon?

    Thinka bout it - final box art design that news post on PHL saying that hl2 is in the final stages of making and e3 coming up shortly. Tell tale signs? i duno wat u think?
  14. XJR

    Cluz to hl2 (No spoilerz!!!)

    Alright im board so i want to try and piece together parts of hl1 with hl2
  15. XJR

    What can't you wait to do in Half-life 2?

    I think i would just wreck everything with the manipliator weapon - it looks so fun to just pick anythink up and chuck it :thumbs:
  16. XJR

    Mistakes In Hl2!!!

    I've spotted a few mistakes in hl2 checks the pics
  17. XJR

    What do you think will happen in half-life 2??

    The title explains it tehe whats do you think is going to happen? Will the AI be as good as valve say it will be? What about the psyics? When do you think valve will release HL2?